Organization and Implementation Mechanism of Strategic Basic Research Programs:Based on the Case Studies of ERATO Program and NSFC Major Research Plan
Currently,international scientific and technological competition is extending speedily towards the stage of basic research.Efficiently and effectively organizing and carrying out strategic basic research program is an important measure to ensure that China occupies the strategic high ground of future technological innovation and achieves high-level scientific and technological self-reliance and strength.Based on the case studies of Japan's ERATO program and Chinese National Natural Science Foundation for Major Research Plan,this paper conducts a comparative analysis of the implementation mechanism of the two programs in aspects such as top-level design,project initiation,organization and implementation,and monitoring and evaluation,and summarized the main characteristics of the organization and implementation mechanism of the strategic basic research program.Based on this,it puts forward suggestions for further optimizing and improving the organization and management of China's strategic basic research programs in the future.
科技部科技评估中心,北京 100081科技部科技评估中心,北京 100081科技部科技评估中心,北京 100081国家自然科学基金委员会计划局,北京 100085
strategic basic research programERATO programmajor research planorganization and implementation
《全球科技经济瞭望》 2024 (5)