Development of Smart Pipeline Networks on Abroad
中国正在开展智慧管网技术和标准化研究,了解国外在智慧管网方面的研究进展对中国的智慧管网技术和标准化研究具有非常重要的借鉴意义.基于对国外智慧管网相关期刊论文的检索和分析,从国外智慧管网的研究进程、载文期刊分布和研究机构分布等角度对国外智慧管网的总体研究进展进行探讨;从智能化设计、智能化建设、自动化控制、运行优化、风险监测、数字仿真、泄漏计算、应急处置和安全环保等多个角度对国外智慧管网的研究领域与成果进行了详细分析.结论表明,国外智慧管网研究在 2016 年之后发展迅速,研究热点包括腐蚀、设计、能源和模拟等,以智慧管网作为研究对象来进行整体性与系统性研究较少,也未使用智慧管网的概念并对其进行研究探讨,主要聚焦关键技术研究,在某些特定技术领域达到较高水平,应用了传感器、算法建模、互联网、物联网、大数据分析、移动通信、人工智能、无人机、机器人、计算机、神经网络、数字化、仿真、模拟、数字孪生等技术.
China is currently conducting study on technology and standardization for smart pipeline network.Understanding the development of smart pipe networks on abroad is of great reference significance for China.Based on the retrieval and summary of papers published in foreign journal related to smart pipeline networks,this paper analyzes the overall study development of smart pipeline networks on abroad from the perspectives of research progress,distribution of journals,and research institutions.A detailed analysis is completed on the research fields and achievements of smart pipeline networks on abroad from multiple perspectives,including intelligent design,intelligent construction,automation control,operation optimization,risk monitoring,digital simulation,leakage calculation,emergency response,safety and environmental protection.This paper puts forward the conclusions based on analysis:the study on smart pipeline network on abroad has developed rapidly since 2016 with research focuses including corrosion,design,energy,simulation,etc.,and does not take smart pipeline network as the research object to conduct integrated and systematic research,nor does it discuss the concept and definition of smart pipeline network,focusing mainly on key technology research and reaching a high level in some specific technical fields,using sensors,algorithm modeling,the Internet,the Internet of Things,big data analysis,mobile communications,artificial intelligence,UAVs,robots,computers,neural networks,digitization,simulation,simulation,digital twins and other technologies.
国家管网集团西南管道有限责任公司,成都 610041攀枝花华润燃气有限公司,四川攀枝花 617000国家管网集团西南管道有限责任公司,成都 610041中国标准化研究院,北京 100191中国标准化研究院,北京 100191
smart pipeline networksmart pipelineoil and gas pipeline
《全球科技经济瞭望》 2024 (5)