Future Industries at Home and Abroad Based on Co-Occurrence Analysis
To sort out and screen the main areas of future industries and provide support for subsequent research,CiteSpace and other softwares are used as tools to obtain a literature map related to future industries at home and abroad through co-word relationships,and future industry overview are obtained from a macro perspective.Combined with strategic policies of major developed countries abroad,as well as government documents such as plans for 31 provinces and cities nationwide in China,and its future industry special plans,the development focus and differences of future industries at home and abroad are sorted out,providing a basis for further screening and research.Through research,it has been found that overall,the key areas of focus for future industries at home and abroad are generally the same,mainly concentrated in the three major areas of intelligence,low-carbon,and health.Artificial intelligence is a key area of focus both domestically and internationally.The future industry presents a trend of highly interdisciplinary and deep integration of multiple disciplines and technologies.Technological innovation is the core driving force;production and manufacturing are the key;and capital investment,talent cultivation,and platform construction are the three major focus points of the future industry.
安徽省科学技术情报研究所(省科学技术档案馆),合肥 230092安徽省科学技术情报研究所(省科学技术档案馆),合肥 230092
future industrieskeywordknowledge graphco-occurrence relationpolicy sorting
《全球科技经济瞭望》 2024 (5)