Consistency of the Accuracy of FY-4B and FY-4A Cloud Top Products
The FengYun-4(FY-4)meteorological satellite is the second generation of China's geostationary meteorological satellite.FY-4B satellite utilizes identical algorithms as its predecessor,FY-4A,for retrieving cloud top temperature,height,and pressure.To facilitate the application of FY-4B cloud top products,this paper evaluated the consistency of the accuracy of the cloud top retrievals from FY-4A and FY-4B,and compared them with those from the EOS/MODIS polar-orbiting meteorological satellite of the United States and Himawari-8,Japan's second-generation geostationary meteorological satellite.The results show that the cloud top retrievals from FY-4B exhibited good consistency with those from FY-4A.The larger error in FY-4B's classification of multi-layer clouds mainly arose from the misclassification of cirrus clouds into multi-layer clouds.The validation results of the whole sample show that the accuracy of FY-4B cloud top retrievals is consistent with that of FY-4A.The discrepancies between them are primarily attributed to the variations in channel spectral characteristics,calibration accuracy,and the difference in the radiative transfer model used.
中国气象局中国遥感卫星辐射测量和定标重点开放实验室/许健民气象卫星创新中心/国家卫星气象中心,北京 100081中国气象局中国遥感卫星辐射测量和定标重点开放实验室/许健民气象卫星创新中心/国家卫星气象中心,北京 100081中国气象局中国遥感卫星辐射测量和定标重点开放实验室/许健民气象卫星创新中心/国家卫星气象中心,北京 100081中国气象局中国遥感卫星辐射测量和定标重点开放实验室/许健民气象卫星创新中心/国家卫星气象中心,北京 100081中国气象局中国遥感卫星辐射测量和定标重点开放实验室/许健民气象卫星创新中心/国家卫星气象中心,北京 100081
FY-4cloud-top temperaturecloud-top heightcloud-top pressureaccuracy validation
《热带气象学报》 2024 (3)