Biological Characteristics and Occurrence Dynamics of Hypothenemus hampei Ferrari
咖啡果小蠹(Hypothenemus hampei)是近年来新入侵我国大陆的一种检疫性害虫,对我国咖啡产业的健康发展具有巨大的潜在威胁.本研究旨在明确该虫的生物学特性及田间发生规律,为后期开展监测预报和综合治理提供理论基础.在室内饲养条件[(26.5±1)℃,相对湿度为75%±5%,光照14L∶10D]下,观察咖啡果小蠹各龄期的形态特征、发育历期及繁殖能力,并结合田间观察明确该虫的年生活史;2021-2022年通过田间系统调查,分析该虫在海南省万宁市的发生动态规律及空间分布类型,旨在明确该虫的生物学特性及田间发生规律,为后续进行综合防治提供理论依据.结果表明:咖啡果小蠹卵、幼虫、蛹和成虫的发育历期分别为(6.75±0.65)、(17.41±1.63)、(6.45±1.15)、(42.74±9.55)d,平均世代历期为(73.35±11.26)d.各龄期主要形态特征为:卵椭球形,乳白色,表面光滑有光泽;幼虫通常呈"C"字型,乳白色,略透明,头部呈褐色,无足;蛹初期为乳白色,后期变为褐色,头部藏于前胸背板之下;成虫体呈圆柱形,暗褐色到黑色,有光泽,雄虫比雌虫小.雌成虫通常在黑暗条件下产卵,单雌产卵量为(11.85±1.69)粒,雌雄比为10.25∶0.95.室内和田间观察结果表明,咖啡果小蠹在海南1年发生7代,无明显越冬现象.2021-2022年田间调查结果表明,1月开始咖啡果小蠹种群数量缓慢上升,4-5月咖啡果小蠹发生率呈暴增状态,最高可达到60.15%,5月升至顶峰后又急速下降,6-10月始终维持在相对稳定的水平,11月种群数量又呈增长状态,出现一个小高峰,达到19.87%,12月有所下降但至次年3月均呈现缓慢增长态势,咖啡果小蠹的发生率与上一年遗留的果实数量有关.对空间和方位的调查结果表明,果实发育期内咖啡果小蠹在空间上偏好中层(0.5~1.0m)果实,在方位上偏好东和北2个方向,可能与光照和温度有关.通过4种聚集度参数的结果显示,咖啡果小蠹在水平方向和垂直方向均属于聚集分布.
Hypothenemus hampei is a new invasive pest in China.It is a main coffee pest and poses a great threat to the coffee industry.The purpose of this study is to clarify the biological characteristics and field occurrence rules of the insect,and to provide a theoretical basis for later monitoring and forecasting and comprehensive management of the insect.In this study,the morphological characteristics,developmental duration and fecundity of various developmental stages of H.hampei were observed at each stage in the indoor feeding conditions.The annual life cycle of H.hampei was observed in the field.The population dynamics and spatial distribution patterns of H.hampei in Wanning city,Hainan province were measured through systematic field investigation from 2021 to 2022 to clarify the biological char-acteristics and field occurrence of H.hampei,and provide a theoretical basis for the subsequent integrated pest man-agement of H.hampei.The results showed that the developmental duration of egg,larval,pupal and adult stage of H.hampei was(6.75±0.65)d,(17.41±1.63)d,(6.45±1.15)d,(42.74±9.55)d,respectively.The average generation duration was(73.35±11.26)d.The main morphological characteristics of each stage were as follows:egg,elliptic,milky white,with smooth and shiny surface;larval,usually"C"shaped,milky white,slightly transparent,with brown head and no feet;pupal,milky white at the initial stage,and later turn brown,the head hidden under the pronotum;adult body,cy-lindrical,dark brown to black,shiny;male smaller than the female.Female adults usually laid eggs under dark condi-tions,the number of eggs laid by a single female was 11.85±1.69,and the ratio of male to female was 10.25∶0.95.The results of indoor and field observations showed that H.hampei had seven generations a year in Hainan,and there was no phenomenon of overwintering.The results of the field survey in 2021-2022 showed that the population of H.hampei began to increase slowly from January,and the incidence of H.hampei increased sharply from April to May,reached a maximum of 60.15%and peak in May,and then declined rapidly.In October,it remained at a relatively stable level.The population increased again in November,with another small peak,reaching 19.87%.In December,it decreased,but it showed a slow increase until March of the following year related to the number of fruits.The survey results on space and orientation showed that during the fruit development period,H.hampei preferred the middle layer(0.5-1.0 m)fruit spatially,and preferred the east and north directions in orientation,which may be related to light and temperature.The results of the four aggregation parameters showed that H.hampei belonged to the aggregation distribution in both hori-zontal and vertical directions.
云南农业大学植物保护学院,云南昆明 650201||中国热带农业科学院香料饮料研究所,海南万宁 571533中国热带农业科学院香料饮料研究所,海南万宁 571533||海南省热带香辛饮料作物遗传改良与品质调控重点实验室,海南万宁 571533中国热带农业科学院香料饮料研究所,海南万宁 571533||华中农业大学植物科学技术学院,湖北武汉 430070中国热带农业科学院香料饮料研究所,海南万宁 571533||海南省热带香辛饮料作物遗传改良与品质调控重点实验室,海南万宁 571533云南农业大学植物保护学院,云南昆明 650201中国热带农业科学院香料饮料研究所,海南万宁 571533||海南省热带香辛饮料作物遗传改良与品质调控重点实验室,海南万宁 571533中国热带农业科学院香料饮料研究所,海南万宁 571533||海南省热带香辛饮料作物遗传改良与品质调控重点实验室,海南万宁 571533
Hypothenemus hampeimorphological characteristicsdevelopmental durationlife cycleoccurrence dy-namicsspatial distribution
《热带作物学报》 2024 (6)