

Profit and Loss Assessment of Health Risk Value of Chinese Workers under the Concept of"Health Co-Prosperity"



Health risk assessment is the basis of health management.Under the background of Healthy China and common prosperity,assessing the profit and loss of health risk value of Chinese workers is helpful to deeply understand and alleviate health inequality objectively.It provides scientific basis for formulating targeted health intervention measures.Based on the compensating wage differential and hedonic wage theory,this paper constructs the utility function including endogenous diseases and exogenous environmental health risks.The theoretical framework of profit and loss assessment of health risk value is constructed from the perspective of workers'risk preference.Using the matching data of China Family Panel Studies(CFPS)and Chinese residents'disease mortality,this paper uses the"Wage-Risk"Method in Value of a Statistical Life(VSL)to measure the health risk value of Chinese workers by the extended binary health risk Mincer income equation;meanwhile,it decomposes the results of different income groups with the help of decentralized impact function RIF regression.The results show that the death risk value of endogenous diseases is in negative loss,in which the circulatory system disease is the main cause of value loss,while the exogenous environmental risks are reflected as a positive benefits and become the dominant force of health risk value surplus.The health risk value of different income groups increased,and there was an obvious health-income stratification.Although there is little difference in profit and loss of risk value of endogenous diseases among all income groups,the total amount of exogenous environmental risk value of high-income group is much higher than that of low-income group.The value loss is more serious.Improving the composition effect of health risks and reducing their wage structure effect can help alleviate health inequality among workers of different income groups.


天津商业大学 经济学院,天津 300134



Healthy Chinahealth riskscommon prosperityhealth equalityvalue of a statistical life(VSL)

《人口与经济》 2024 (004)

84-100 / 17


