Multidimensional analysis and study of physiological parameters of lip skin
通过考察不同地区、不同年龄和不同性别受试者唇部皮肤基础状态,进行唇部生理参数的多维度分析和研究,并通过唇油对唇部皮肤的干预,来探究影响唇部皮肤性状的主要因素.用无创性评价方法测定了华东地区(73名)和华北地区(50名)受试者(18~35岁73名,35~60岁50名;男性55名,女性68名)唇部下唇的水分含量、TEWL、光泽度、弹性、L*a*b*值和纹理8个皮肤生理参数.研究结果表明,华东地区组受试者唇部基础状态的经皮水分散失(Trans Epidermal Water Loss,TEWL)值(51.99±17.37)、L*值(51.99±8.83)、b*值(15.40±1.56)和纹理值(15.10±6.43)分别显著高于华北地区组(P<0.05).35~60岁组受试者唇部基础状态的水分含量(56.82±12.63)和皮肤弹性(0.78±0.18)显著高于18~35岁组(P<0.05).男性组唇部基础状态的TEWL值(52.08±17.68)显著高于女性组(43.48±16.03)(P<0.05).通过唇油对唇部皮肤的干预,与基础状态相比,受试者使用唇油后其唇部水分含量均是先降低后逐渐升高;TEWL值先显著性降低后逐渐增加;光泽度、弹性和纹理均是先增加后减小;皮肤色泽(L*a*b*值)的变化不显著.由此可知,受试者唇部皮肤生理参数不仅受到地区、年龄以及性别的影响,还与受试者唇部基础状态及唇部产品的使用频率等因素相关.
To investigate the basic state of lip skin in subjects of different regions,ages and genders,multi-dimensional analysis and research on lip physiological parameters were conducted,and the main factors affecting lip skin traits through the intervention of lip oil on lip skin were explored.Subjects(73 aged 18-35 years old,50 aged 35-60 years old,and 55 males,68 females)in East China(73)and North China(50)were determined by noninvasive evaluation method.Eight skin physiological parameters of moisture content,TEWL,gloss,elasticity,L*a*b* value and texture of the lower lip were measured.The results of this study show that the trans epidermal water loss(TEWL)values of 51.99±17.37,L* values of 51.99±8.83,b* values of 15.40±1.56 and texture values of 15.10±6.43 in the East China group are significantly higher than those in the North China group(P<0.05).The moisture content(56.82±12.63)and skin elasticity(0.78±0.18)of the 35-60 years old group are significantly higher than those in the 18-35 years old group(P<0.05).The TEWL value of the basal state of the lips(52.08±17.68)in the male group is significantly higher than that in the female group(43.48±16.03)(P<0.05).Through the intervention of lip oil on the skin of the lips,compared with the basic state,the moisture content of the lips of the subjects after using the lip oil first decreases and then gradually increases.TEWL first decreases significantly and then gradually increases.The gloss,elasticity and texture are first increased and then decreased.The change in skin color(L*a*b* value)is not significant.In summary,the physiological parameters of the subjects'lip skin are not only affected by the regions,ages and genders,but also related to the basic state of the subjects'lips and the frequency of lip products usage.
上海应用技术大学 香料香精化妆品学部,上海 201418||上海东方美谷产业研究院,上海 201403宁波爱诗化妆品有限公司,浙江 宁波 315456宁波爱诗化妆品有限公司,浙江 宁波 315456上海应用技术大学 香料香精化妆品学部,上海 201418||上海东方美谷产业研究院,上海 201403上海应用技术大学 香料香精化妆品学部,上海 201418||上海东方美谷产业研究院,上海 201403
lip skinlip oilskin physiological parameters
《日用化学工业(中英文)》 2024 (7)