

Study on the Change of Land Use and Ecosystem Service Value in Coal Mining Subsidence Area in the City



Coal mining subsidence in the city has severely restricted urban development and affected the supply of ecosystem services.Therefore,the ecological restoration and utilization of coal mining subsid-ence areas in the city are more urgent and important.Based on remote sensing image data from 2000 to 2021,land use change analysis,landscape pattern index and ESV equivalent model are used to analyze the spatio-temporal evolution of land use,landscape pattern and ecosystem service value in coal mining sub-sidence area of Taibaihu new district in the past 21 years.It is showed that the cultivated land and water area are dominant in land use structures,followed by construction land,forest land and grassland.The transfer of cultivated land to water area is the main form,followed by the transfer of cultivated land to construction land.The ESV has increased significantly for a long time and then decreased slightly.The ESV of water has increased significantly,the ESV of cultivated land has decreased significantly,and the ESV of forest land and grassland is small.The value and its proportion in ESV of aesthetic landscape,waste treatment,climate regulation are both increasing,the value of gas regulation is increasing but its proportion in ESV is decreasing,and the value and its proportion in ESV of food production,soil conser-vation,raw material production are both decreasing.The high value area of ESV continues to expand from southwest to southeast,central,and northern regions,and then accumulates towards the central region.The change of land use and ESV is mainly driven by urbanization construction,coal mining subsidence,coal mining subsidence remediation and policy.


山东省鲁南地质工程勘察院(山东省地质矿产勘查开发局第二地质大队),自然资源部采煤沉陷区综合治理工程技术创新中心,山东省地质矿产勘查局采煤塌陷地综合治理工程技术研究中心,山东 济宁 272100



Coal mining subsidenceland useecosystem service value(ESV)driving analysisTaibai Lake New DistrictShandong Ji'ning

《山东国土资源》 2024 (006)

57-67 / 11


