Hydrochemical Characteristics and Controlling Factors of Surface Water in Muwen River Drainage Basin in Shandong Province
In order to investigate water chemical characteristics and sources of ions in surface water bodies within Muwen river drainage basin,and to support scientific development and management of water re-sources in Laiwu district and Gangcheng district of Ji'nan city,a total of 10 river water samples and 8 res-ervoir water samples have been systematically collected from drainage basin.By using Gibbs map,ion ratio relationships and multivariate statistical analysis comprehensively,composition characteristics,hydro-chemical types and material source control factors of surface water in the drainage basin have been ana-lyzed.It is showed that water and reservoir water of Mouwen river are generally weak alkaline freshwater,with main components of anions and cations being HCO3-,SO2-,Ca2+and Na+.The main chemical types of river water are SO4·Cl-Ca·Na type,while main chemical types of reservoir water are HCO3·SO4-Ca·Mg type.The chemical composition of river water is mainly affected by the weathering and dissolution of silicate rocks,as well as the influence of domestic sewage and feces.The weathering of silicate rocks and carbonate rocks with calcite as the main mineral,as well as the use of fertilizers in agricultural planting ac-tivities are involved in the formation of hydrochemical components in reservoir water within the watershed.Reverse cation exchange causes weak depletion of Na++K+and weak surplus of Ca2++Mg2+in surface water bodies.
山东省公共资源交易中心(省政府采购中心),山东 济南 250013山东省公共资源交易中心(省政府采购中心),山东 济南 250013山东省地质调查院,山东 济南 250014山东省地质调查院,山东 济南 250014
Surface waterhydrochemical characteristicsrock weatheringMouwen river
《山东国土资源》 2024 (7)