

Effect of Temperature on Mechanical Properties of Epoxy Resin Matrix Composite Foams


空心玻璃微珠/环氧树脂(HGM/EP)作为保温隔热材料,在极端温度下的服役状态非常重要.采用注模成型法制备了HGM/EP复合材料,分别在20、40、60、80℃温度下对不同HGM填充量的复合材料进行准静态压缩实验,测定了压缩强度、弹性模量等力学参数,并结合SEM对其破坏形貌与机理进行分析.结果表明:适当添加HGM可以提高HGM/EP复合材料的力学性能.当HGM填充量为50%时,HGM/EP的压缩强度最大为46.3 MPa.HGM填充量为70%时,HGM/EP的弹性模量最大为1 638.8 MPa.温度对HGM/EP复合材料的影响显著,20℃下HGM填充量较低时主要以环氧树脂基体弹塑性破坏为主.随着温度的升高和HGM填充量的增加,HGM破碎引发HGM/EP复合材料的脆性破坏.

Hollow glass microsphere/epoxy resin(HGM/EP),as a thermal insulation material,is very important in the service state under extreme temperatures.HGM/EP composites were prepared by injection molding method.Quasi-static compression experiments were carried out at 20,40,60,80℃respectively for composites with different HGM filling amount.Mechanical parameters such as compressive strength and elastic modulus were determined,and the failure morphology and mechanism were analyzed by SEM.The results show that proper addition of HGM can improve the mechanical properties of HGM/EP composites.When the HGM filling amount is 50%,the maximum compressive strength of HGM/EP is 46.3 MPa.When the HGM filling amount is 70%,the maximum elastic modulus of HGM/EP is 1 638.8 MPa.The influence of temperature on HGM/EP composites is significant.The elastoplastic failure of epoxy resin matrix is the main failure when the HGM filling amount is low at 20℃.With the increase of temperature and HGM filling amount,HGM breakage leads to brittle failure of HGM/EP composites.


东北石油大学秦皇岛校区,河北秦皇岛 066004||东北石油大学土木建筑工程学院,黑龙江大庆 163318东北石油大学土木建筑工程学院,黑龙江大庆 163318


Epoxy resinHollow glass microbeadsTemperatureYield strengthElasticity modulus

《塑料科技》 2024 (006)

84-88 / 5

