

Stand Structure Characteristics of Eucalyptus Urophylla × E.grandis Plantation at Different Ages


本文通过分析广西防城港市上思县6、8、10 a生尾巨桉(Eucalyptus urophylla × E.grandis)人工林的林分结构特征,了解尾巨桉林分竞争程度和空间分布特征,为尾巨桉人工林结构优化提供理论依据.结果表明:(1)6、8、10 a生尾巨桉林分非空间结构特征相似,树高分布结构、胸径分布结构总体均呈正态分布;(2)三个年龄尾巨桉林分角尺度差异不显著,主要介于均匀分布与随机分布之间,与水平分布理想模式有一定的差距,林分平均大小比数依次为0.67、0.53、0.31,林龄大的林分相对林龄小的林分更具有竞争优势;(3)随着年龄的增长,尾巨桉人工林林分结构更加稳定、更加合理,林分竞争程度降低.综合来看,三个年龄林分均未达到理想林分状态,也未达到尾巨桉大径材的培育目标.在实际生产中,在林木不同的生长阶段应该采取适当的方式优化、调整其空间结构,促进林分结构稳定性,保证林木材性,有助于实现桉树大径材的培育目标.

By analyzing the stand structure characteristics of 6-year—old,8-year—old and 10-year—old Eucalyptus urophylla X E.grandis plantations in Shangsi County,Fangchenggang City,Guan-gxi,the competition degree and spatial distribution characteristics of Eucalyptus Urophylla ×E.grandis plantations were understood,which provided a theoretical basis for the structural optimiza-tion of Eucalyptus Urophylla XE.grandis plantations.The results showed that:(1)The non-spa-tial structure characteristics of 6-year—old,8-year—old and 10-year—old Eucalyptus Urophylla XE.grandis forests were similar,and the tree height distribution structure and diameter distribution structure were generally normal distribution;(2)there was no significant difference in the angle scale of Eucalyptus Urophylla ×E.grandis stands of three ages,which was mainly between uniform distri-bution and random distribution,and there was a certain gap with the ideal model of horizontal distri-bution.The average size ratio of stands was 0.67,0.53 and 0.31,respectively.The stand with older age was more competitive than the stand with younger age;(3)the stand structure of E.urophylla× E.grandis plantation is more stable and more reasonable with the growth of trees,and the competition among trees is reduced.On the whole,the three age stands did not reach the ideal stand state,nor did they reach the cultivation goal of large-diameter timber of E.urophylla ×E.grandis.In the actual production,in different growth stages of trees should take appropriate ways to optimize and adjust its spatial structure,promote the stability of stand structure,ensure the forest wood properties,help to achieve the goal of Eucalyptus large diameter timber cultivation.


广西壮族自治区国有七坡林场,南宁 530225广西大学 林学院,广西高校亚热带人工林培育与利用重点实验室,中南速生材繁育国家林业和草原局重点实验室,南宁 530004



Eucalyptus Urophylla× E.grandisartificial foreststand structurespatial distribution

《陕西林业科技》 2024 (003)

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