Influence of the Newly—built Tianshui—Longnan Railway on Wild Mammals during the Construction Period
The newly—built Tianshui—Longnan railway is located in the southeastern part of Gansu Province and passes through the Qinling Mountains,where there are rich wildlife resources.In order to understand the impact of road construction on wild mammals along the railway,a survey was con-ducted at 60 major construction area and surrounding areas for wild mammals before construction be-gan in 2021,and during construction in 2023,respectively.The results showed that 21 wild mammals were found in 2021,and 18 species in 2023.Moreover,the encounter frequency of wild mammals and their traces during the construction was significantly lower than that before construction.The impact of different construction types on wildlife is significantly different.Tunnel entrance and shaft en-trances well had the greatest influence on wild animals,spoil area and new construction road had mod-erate influence,and mixing station,sewage treatment station and roadbed had almost no influence.The Moschus berezovskii and Elaphodus cephalophus are the most sensitive species to railway con-struction,followed by the Martes flavigula.The encounter frequency of Naemorhedus griseus and Capricornis milneedwardsii,both of which are national key protected wild animals and decreased sig-nificantly.The research recommends conducting continuous monitoring of wild animals in key loca-tions within the construction area to understand the impact of railway construction on wildlife,and to propose scientific and reasonable remedial measures to mitigate the impact of the project on wildlife a-long the route.
甘肃天陇铁路有限公司,兰州 730030
Road trafficwild animalshabitat fragmentationTianshui to Longnan railway
《陕西林业科技》 2024 (003)
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