

New idea of lithofacies modeling for tight sandstone reservoir


致密砂岩储层中岩石相的类型多样,空间相变很快,井间预测难度较大,常规的建模思路和方法难以进行准确的表征和三维地质建模.以鄂尔多斯盆地大牛地气田DK13 井区为例,综合岩心、测井、野外露头资料等,共划分 4 种岩石相类型,包括小砾—巨砂岩相、粗砂岩相、中—细砂岩相和粉砂—泥岩相,明确各岩石相的构型分布特征.在此基础上提出"分区约束,逐级嵌入"的岩石相建模新思路:在岩石相平面分布最大边界的约束下,分别在小砾—巨砂岩相和粗砂岩相边界内进行相建模,然后将各岩石相模型依次嵌入中—细砂岩相模型中完成建模.结果表明:本次模型与地质分布特征和规律相符合,也具有较高的精度和稳定性,单层岩石相的平均吻合率超过90%;与常规建模方法相比,该思路在井间岩石相的预测中不是应用完全随机的方法,而是更多地应用了构型分析的成果,能够大幅提高井间岩石相预测的准确度,再现岩石相的复杂空间分布样式.

The types and spatial transition of lithofacies in tight sandstone reservoirs are complicated,with inter-well predic-tion being very difficult.Therefore,it is difficult to accurately characterize and make three-dimensional geological modeling with conventional modeling methods.In this study,taking well zone Dk13 of Daniudi gas field in Ordos Basin as an exam-ple,combining cores,logging,and field outcrop data,four types of lithofacies are divided,including fine conglomerate-gi-ant grained sandstones,coarse-grained sandstones,mid-fine grained sandstones and siltstones,and distribution character-istics of each lithofacies are defined.On this basis,a new lithofacies modeling idea of"zoning constraints and embedding step by step"is proposed:under the constraint of the maximum boundary of lithofacies plane distribution,facies modeling is carried out within the boundaries of fine conglomerate-giant grained sandstones facies and coarse sandstone facies respec-tively,and then each lithofacies model is embedded into the mid-fine grained sandstones facies model in turn to complete the modeling.The results show that the model is in line with the geological distribution characteristics,with high accuracy and stability.The average match rate of lithofacies in a single layer is over 90%.Compared with the conventional modeling idea,this idea does not use the completely random method in the prediction of inter-well lithofacies but uses the results of reservoir architecture analysis more,greatly improves the accuracy of inter-well lithofacies prediction,reproduces the com-plex spatial distribution pattern of lithofacies.


中国石油勘探开发研究院,北京 100083中国石油大学(北京)地球科学学院,北京 102249长江大学地球科学学院,湖北武汉 434023中国石化勘探开发研究院,北京 100083金航数码科技有限责任公司,北京 100028



tight sandstonelithofaciesreservoir modelingDaniudi gas fieldreservoir architecture

《中国石油大学学报(自然科学版)》 2024 (004)

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