

Fracture characteristics and stress disturbance analysis for well optimization of Silurian in Shunbei area,central Tarim Basin


塔里木盆地中部顺北地区复杂构造应力造成了多层系断裂样式的差异性.当钻井钻至志留系断裂破碎带,地层压力小于钻井液液柱压力时,易发生漏失现象.为保障钻井的高效钻进,亟需开展志留系断裂特征与应力场扰动分析以指导井位设计.通过志留系断裂增强解释性处理及空间解释,结合断裂生长指数,开展断裂综合解析.研究区断裂整体特征为下伏陡直走滑与上覆雁列正断层分层变形,志留系断裂样式以加里东晚期至海西早期活动的雁列式负花状正断层组合排列为主,呈右阶雁列式展布,走滑伸展作用强烈.基于已钻井SHZ1 等偶极阵列声波测井等资料,确定了顺北中部地区志留系主应力方向为北东向54°.结合研究区三维地震资料综合解释,建立地质模型,开展迭代边界元数值模拟,明确研究区现今地应力的平面分布规律,包括最大、最小和中间主应力,并将应力场模拟结果与实际测井资料解释结果进行对比分析.受断裂产状和断距的影响,平面上应力扰动带宽度不同,同一断裂的上、下盘应力扰动范围呈现出非对称分布.通过对志留系断裂空间立体雕刻及应力扰动分析,避开志留系断裂强度大、倾角大的雁列单元边界断裂、断裂应力集中部位及强能量异常断裂、裂缝发育区,结合目的层靶点空间特征,优选井位及其井轨迹设计.志留系断裂综合解析与应力场扰动分析为井位优选中规避志留系严重漏失、保障钻井高效钻进提供了保障.

The complex tectonic stress in the Shunbei area of the central Tarim Basin results in varied patterns of multilayered fractures.When drilling into the Silurian fracture zone and the formation pressure is lower than the drilling fluid column pressure,leakage easily occurs.To ensure efficient drilling,it is crucial to conduct an analysis of Silurian fracture characteristics and stress field disturbances to guide well design.Through enhanced interpreta-tion and spatial analysis of Silurian faults,a comprehensive analysis of fractures was conducted in conjunction with the fault growth index.The overall characteristics of fractures in the study area included steeply dipping strike-slip faults and overlying en echelon normal faults with layered deformation.The Silurian fracture patterns primarily consist of echelon negative flower-like normal fault combinations,reflecting activity from late Caledonian to early Hercynian.The principal stress direction of the Silurian is 54° NE based on dipole array acoustic logging data from well SHZ1.By integrating three-dimensional seismic data interpretation with geological modeling and iterative boundary element numerical simulations,the current spatial distribution of stress fields,including maximum,minimum,and intermediate principal stresses,was established.The results of the stress field simulation were compared with interpretations derived from actual logging data.Due to the influence of fault occurrence and spacing,the width of stress disturbance zones varies on the plane,and stress disturbances above and below the fault plates show an asymmetric distribution.Through spatial sculpting of Silurian fractures and analysis of stress disturbances,optimal well locations and trajectories were selected to avoid areas with high fracture intensity,large dip angles,concentrated stress zones,strong energy anomaly fractures,and developed crack zones.The comprehensive analysis of Silurian fractures and stress field disturbance ensures efficient drilling and mitigates risks of significant Silurian leakage during well optimization.


中国石化 西北油田分公司 勘探开发研究院,乌鲁木齐 830011中国石化 西北油田分公司 勘探开发研究院,乌鲁木齐 830011中国石化 西北油田分公司 勘探开发研究院,乌鲁木齐 830011中国地质大学(北京) 能源学院,北京 100083中国石化 石油勘探开发研究院,北京 102206



principal stressstrike-slip faultstress disturbancewell optimizationShunbei areaTarim Basin

《石油实验地质》 2024 (4)



