

Research and application of the relationship between wireless node status QC and seismic data quality


随着高密度地震采集技术的发展,采集排列片越来越大,用于接收的无线采集节点设备数量也随之成倍增加,基于WiFi和蓝牙的节点状态质控方法已无法满足每日地震数据采集前完成节点状态质控的要求.为此,引入了一种基于LoRa通信技术及LoRaWAN通信协议的质控方法,并且借助无人机搭载LoRa网关,实现对节点状态的近实时质控.通过分析昆腾节点HyperQ质控数据,确定了节点异常状态出现频率最高的阻尼、自然频率和灵敏度3项基本信息,探讨了节点状态质控数据与地震数据之间的关系,提出了复杂作业区节点更换的指导原则,认为在无线节点地震数据采集过程中,应当综合应用节点状态质控方法和地震数据质控方法共同监控地震数据的采集质量.在南美地区X工区沼泽区地震数据采集项目中,基于节点更换原则,应用综合节点质控方法,在成本可控的前提下,保证了沼泽区单炮采集数据质量,使得采集质量指标为A级的单炮比例提高了 9.72%,满足了质控要求,且新采集资料品质得到大幅提升.

With the development of high-density acquisition technology,the size of pattem larger and larger,and the number of wireless acquisition node instrument used for receiving also increases exponentially.The node status quality control method based on WiFi and Bluetooth cannot meet the requirements of completing the node status quality control before daily acquisition.To this end,a quality control technology based on LoRa communication technology and LoRaWAN communication protocol is introduced,and the UAV is equipped with a LoRa gateway to achieve near real-time quality control of the node status.By analyzing the Hy-perQ quality control data of the Quantum node,the three basic information with the highest frequency of abnormal states were de-termined,and the relationship between the node state quality control data and seismic data was deeply discussed,and the method of node replacement in complex operation areas was proposed.We also suggested that the node state quality control method and the seismic data quality control method should be comprehensively applied in the process of wireless node acquisition to jointly monitor the acquisition quality of seismic data.In the swamp area of Project X in South America,based on the principle of node replace-ment,the comprehensive QC techniques were adopted,to increase Class-A single-shot gathers by 9.72%on the premise of control-ling cost.The QC requirements were satisfied,and the quality of newly collected seismic data has been greatly improved.


中石化石油工程地球物理有限公司,北京 100020中石化石油工程地球物理有限公司国际业务发展中心,北京 100020



wireless node acquisitionLoRa technologyHyperQ quality controlattribute evaluationquality index of single-shot gather

《石油物探》 2024 (004)

735-745 / 11

中石化石油工程地球物理有限公司项目(SGC-2022-18)资助.This research is financially supported by the Sinopec Geophysical Corporation Program(Grant No.SGC-2022-18).

