2-Wasserstein full waveform inversion method based on Sigmod data regularization
作为一种有效解决传统全波形反演(FWI)中周波跳跃问题的方法,基于2-Wasserstein距离的全波形反演(OT-FWI)通常需要采用适当的数据规则化方法.为此,将Sigmoid函数作为数据规则化方法引入OT-FWI,形成基于Sigmoid的OT-FWI方法.Sigmoid函数可以限制数据的取值范围,将小于0的部分映射到接近0的值.与常用的数据规则化方法如仿射尺度规则化和指数归一化规则化方法相比,Sigmoid函数可以更好地利用地震数据中小于0的相位信息,从而进一步提高反演精度.1D Ricker子波测试结果表明,基于Sigmoid数据规则化的2-Wasserstein全波形反演方法可以有效提高目标函数的凸性,并增加共轭震源中的低频信息.将该方法应用于胜利模型数据和中国东部某勘探区实际地震数据进行测试,结果表明,相对于传统的数据规则化方法,基于Sigmod数据规则化的2-Wasserstein全波形反演方法可以进一步提高模型反演的精度.
As an effective method to address the cycle skip problem in traditional full waveform inversion(FWI),2-Wasserstein distance-based FWI(OT-FWI)typically requires appropriate data regularization.Therefore,the Sigmoid function is introduced for data regularization in OT-FWI to form the Sigmoid-based OT-FWI method.The Sigmoid function constrains the data within a spe-cific range by mapping the portions below zero into the values close to zero.Compared to common data regularization methods like affine scaling and exponential normalization,the Sigmoid function can better utilize the information of phases below zero in seismic data to further enhance inversion accuracy.A test using a 1D Ricker wavelet demonstrates that the Sigmoid regularization-based method can effectively enhance the convexity of the objective function and increase low-frequency information in the conjugate sources.Testing with synthetic model data and seismic data acquired in an exploration area in Eastern China shows that this ap-proach,compared to conventional data regularization methods,can further improve the accuracy of model inversion.
中国石化股份有限公司胜利油田分公司物探研究院,山东东营 257022
full waveform inversionwave equationoptimal transport theory2-Wasserstein distance
《石油物探》 2024 (4)
国家科技重大专项课题(2016ZX05047-002)和中国石化股份有限公司科技攻关项目(P20055-2)共同资助.This research is financially supported by the National Science & Technology Major Project(Grant No.2016ZX05047-002)and the SINOPEC Sci-ence & Technology Major Project(Grant No.P20055-2).