

Train Operation Scheme of Jiaxing to Fengnan Suburban Railway Under the Condition of Interconnection


嘉兴至枫南市域铁路是浙江省嘉兴市第一条市域铁路,是长三角地区多层次轨道交通网络中重要线路之一,与嘉善至西塘市域铁路互联互通."互联互通"条件下市域铁路网络跨线运营是未来的发展趋势,列车开行方案设计是制定市域铁路运输组织方案的前提,做好"互联互通"条件下列车开行方案的制定是运营期市域铁路运营管理的一项主要工作,也是市域铁路规划设计阶段需要重点考虑的问题.在研究嘉兴至枫南市域铁路概况的基础上,对其进行数学建模.在分析市域铁路不同列车种类的基础上,以所有乘客总体出行时间效益最大化为优化目标,应用数学规划、多目标优化的方法构建了一套"互联互通"条件下列车开行方案优化模型,包括市域铁路直达列车数量计算模型、大站快车停站选择模型和大站快车、站站停列车数量计算模型.在研究嘉兴至枫南市域铁路线路互联互通的基础上,依据初期早高峰时段客流预测结果,计算得到初期早高峰时段嘉兴南站—南枫线段采用快慢车混跑方式,大站快车停车站为科技城站、嘉善站,开行直达列车1 对/h,大站快车3 对/h,站站停列车5 对/h;嘉兴南站—示范区线段采用快慢车混跑方式,大站快车停车站为科技城站、嘉善站、西塘站,开行大站快车 2 对/h,站站停列车 6 对/h,进而确定嘉兴至枫南市域铁路列车开行方案.

Jiaxing to Fengnan Suburban Railway is Jiaxing City's first suburban railway and an important part of the multi-level rail transportation network of the Yangtze Delta region.It is also interconnected with the Jiashan to Xitang Suburban Railway,reflecting the trend of suburban trains cross-line operation.Designing the train operation scheme is crucial for organizing the suburban railway,and a major task during the operation period,as well as an essential consideration during the planning and design stage.In this study,we constructed a mathematical model based on the general situation of Jiaxing to Fengnan Suburban Railway.Using different types of trains operated in the suburban railway and with optimization goals of maximizing the total travel time of all passengers,we developed a series of optimization models of train operation schemes under the condition of interconnection.These models include the calculation model of the number of direct trains of suburban railway,selection model of the stop site of express trains,and calculation model of the number of express trains and trains stopping at all stations.Through analyzing the interconnection of Jiaxing to Fengnan Suburban Railway and passenger flow prediction results during peak hours,we determined that the train operation mode of Jiaxing Nan station to Nanfeng line should be the express/slow train organization mode,with the express trains stopping at Kejicheng and Jiashan stations.The number of direct trains should be one pair per hour,the number of express trains should be three pairs per hour,and the number of trains stopping at all stations should be five pairs per hour.The train operation mode of Jiaxing Nan station to Shifanqu line should also be the express/slow train organization mode,with the express trains stopping at Kejicheng,Jiashan and Xitang stations.The number of express trains should be two pairs per hour,and the number of trains stopping at all stations should be six pairs per hour.Finally,we formulated the train operation scheme of Jiaxing to Fengnan Suburban Railway.


中铁第四勘察设计院集团有限公司,武汉 430063同济大学道路与交通工程教育部重点实验室,上海 201804||同济大学交通运输工程学院,上海 201804同济大学道路与交通工程教育部重点实验室,上海 201804||同济大学交通运输工程学院,上海 201804||山东交通学院轨道交通学院,济南 250357浙江省交通投资集团有限公司,杭州 311203



suburban railwayinterconnectiontrain operation schemeoptimization modelpassenger travel time

《铁道标准设计》 2024 (007)

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