

Research on the Vibration Characteristics of Over-track Building of Station-city Complex Under the Vehicle Load


站城一体化综合交通枢纽项目中上建商业综合体多围绕轨道交通车站或正线集中开发的特点,使得项目在运营期间将面临着复杂的环境振动问题,然而目前缺乏相关方面的研究工作.以北京城市副中心站综合交通枢纽为例,结合项目中集中开发地块的规划方案,通过建立精细化的综合交通枢纽环境振动预测模型,开展列车荷载作用下站城综合体上部建筑物的振动响应研究.分别针对非减振轨道和隔离式橡胶减振垫浮置板减振轨道条件下的室外地面振动和室内楼板振动进行了统计分析,研究结果表明:(1)复杂大型建筑物的车致环境振动在空间分布上呈现出明显的离散性,建议补充振动响应的达标概率作为二次评价指标;(2)由于地上综合体与地下枢纽空间结构为共构建设,车致振动并未经过土体的有效衰减,最终导致地下综合交通枢纽的环境振动问题主要集中在上盖平台区域,相比规定限值超标约 5 dB;(3)通过铺设刚度为 0.011 N/mm3 的隔离式橡胶减振垫浮置板轨道,能够有效降低环境振动响应 10 dB以上,确保枢纽范围内的环境振动达标概率达到 97%以上.

In the station-city integrated comprehensive transportation hub project,upper commercial complex is characterized by centralized development around rail transit stations or track lines,which makes the project face complex environmental vibration problems during operation.However,there is a lack of relevant research at present.Taking Beijing Sub-Central Station Comprehensive Transportation Hub as an example and combined with the planning scheme of the centralized development plot in the project,a refined comprehensive transportation hub environmental vibration prediction model is established to study the vibration response of the upper buildings of the station-city complex under the action of train loads.The outdoor ground vibration and indoor floor vibration under the conditions of ordinary track and rubber mat floating slab track are statistically analyzed.The research results show that:(1)The vehicle induced environmental vibration of complex large-scale buildings shows obvious dispersion in spatial distribution and it is necessary to supplement the probability of reaching the standard of vibration response as the secondary evaluation index;(2)Due to the co-construction of the space structure of the above-ground complex and the underground hub,the vehicle-induced vibration has not been effectively attenuated by the soil,and finally the environmental vibration problems of the underground integrated transportation hub are mainly concentrated in the upper platform area,which exceeds the specified limit value about 5 dB;(3)By laying the rubber mat floating slab track with a stiffness of 0.011 N/mm3,the environmental vibration response can be effectively reduced by more than 10 dB,and the probability of environmental vibration reaching the standard within the hub can be ensured to reach more than 97% .


北京城市副中心站综合枢纽建设管理有限公司,北京 101107北京市市政工程设计研究总院有限公司,北京 100082



station-city complexcomprehensive transportation hubvehicle induced vibration characteristicsrailway transitspatial distributionvibration control

《铁道标准设计》 2024 (007)

171-177,209 / 8


