

Collaborative Optimization of Non-All Station-Stop Train Operation Schemes and Overtaking Station Settings of Existing Subway Lines



It is of great significance to study the collaborative optimization of non-all station-stop train operation schemes and overtaking station setting of existing subway lines,so as to improve the line capacity and transportation efficiency.This paper collaboratively considered the planning of non-all station-stop train operation schemes and overtaking station settings and classified the passengers by travel OD.It constructed the optimization model of the non-all station-stop train operation scheme of existing subway lines,with the lowest enterprise operation cost,passenger travel cost,and train overtaking cost as the goals.By considering the constraints of line capacity and express train stop,the paper used the genetic simulated annealing algorithm to solve the model according to the characteristics of the model.With Xi'an Metro Line 14 as an example,the paper verified the effectiveness of the constructed model.The results show that compared with the traditional all station-stop train operation organization mode,the total time of passengers on board is reduced by 29.84%,and the enterprise operation cost is reduced by 4.33%.The vehicle bottom purchase cost is reduced by 5.23%.At the same time,the paper discusses the impact of different overtaking station locations on the enterprise operation cost,providing decision support for implementing non-all station-stop train operation organization mode and related station transformation of rail companies.


中铁第一勘察设计院集团有限公司,陕西 西安 710043西南交通大学 交通运输与物流学院,四川 成都 610031



Non-All Station-Stop Train Operation Organization ModeTrain Operation SchemeOvertaking Station TransformationCollaborative OptimizationGenetic Simulated Annealing Algorithm

《铁道运输与经济》 2024 (007)

179-189 / 11


