Field Efficacy Evaluation of Different Fungicides against Sweet Potato Stem Nematode Disease
为明确不同药剂以及其与微生物菌剂组配对甘薯茎线虫病田间防治效果,以10%噻唑膦GR为对照,采用小区试验,在河南省汝阳县城关镇张河村进行田间药效试验.结果表明:不同药剂处理对甘薯薯苗生长是安全的;其中41.7%氟吡菌酰胺SC、50%三氟吡啶胺FS、30%精甲·噁霉灵AS+10%噻唑膦GR等处理防效均超过了 80%;而10亿·g-1哈茨木霉菌WP+10%噻唑膦GR、200亿·g-1枯草芽孢杆菌WP+10%噻唑膦GR等处理具有更佳的防治效果,防效分别达到92.11%、90.07%;上述药剂及组配方式均能显著减少甘薯的产量损失,挽回损失率达43%以上.综上,以上药剂及组配可为田间甘薯茎线虫病的防治提供参考依据和实施方案.
In order to clarify the field control effects of different pesticides and their combination with microbial agents on sweet potato stem nematode disease.This article used fosthiazate 10%GR as a control and conducted field efficacy testing in Zhanghe Village,Chengguan Town,Ruyang County,Henan Province,using a community trial.The results showed that all the treatments were safe to the growth of sweet potato seedlings.The control effects of fluopyram 41.7%SC,cyclobutrifluram 50%FS,metalaxyl-M hymexazol 30%AS+fosthiazate 10%GR were more than 80%.Treatment with trichoderma harzianum WP(actual effective viable bacterial count≥1 billion·g-1)+fosthiazate 10%GR and bacillus subtilis WP(actual effective viable bacterial count ≥20 billion·g-1)+fosthiazate 10%GR had better control effects,reaching 92.11%and 90.07%respectively.The above-mentioned medicament and combination could obviously recover the yield loss of sweet potato,and the recovery rate was over 43%.The above fungicides and combinations can provide reference basis and implementation scheme for the control of sweet potato stem nematode disease in the field.
汝阳县农业技术推广服务中心,河南汝阳 471200洛阳市农林科学院,河南洛阳 471022洛阳市植物保护植物检疫站,河南洛阳 471022
sweet potato stem nematode diseasemedicationmicrobial agentsprevention and control effect
《天津农业科学》 2024 (006)
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