

Party Logic and Grassroots Government Governance-Based Responses



In the process of improving the responsiveness of the government,the administrative re-sponse mode,which takes the public satisfaction rate as the core index,faces the paradox of re-sponsiveness.In this case,Qiao Town has taken the initiative to respond to people's demands through the mechanism innovation of massive visits,which has shaped a governance-oriented re-sponse model with political ethics and political pressure as the core,and with the coordination of ca-dres'joint groups and the party committee government.The logic of this model is that the Party committee and government activate the internal responsibility-emotional motivation of cadres through the responsibility package,give cadres the autonomy to flexibly respond to people's de-mands,and reshape the public and political nature of people's demands with the help of political u-nification and mass mobilization.Different from the cross-level administrative response model,the governance model identifies,classifies,and responds to demands within the grassroots governance field,and is characterized by its proactivity,holistic nature,and low institutionalization.In the context of"weak politicization"of government responsiveness,regaining the mass line is of great significance in enhancing the performance and institutional legitimacy of grassroots governance.


南京大学,江苏 南京 210023



government responsivenessadministrative responsegovernance responsethe mass linemass visits

《天津行政学院学报》 2024 (004)

22-32 / 11

