

Characterization of β-asarone accumulation during the growth of Acorus tatarinowii Schott and the quality of its decoction pieces



[Objective]A method for the determination of β-asarone in Acori Tatarinowii Rhizoma and its volatile oil was established to compare the quality of Acori Tatarinowii Rhizoma decoction pieces from different habitats and to study the accumulation patterns of β-asarone in different parts of Acorus tatarinowii Schott during the growth process based on gas chromatography,so as to provide theoretical basis for the rational development and utilization of Acorus tatarinowii medicinal material resources.[Methods]Steam distillation was employed to extract the volatile oil from the decoction pieces of different habitats and the volatile oil yield was calculated.The content of β-asarone in the decoction pieces and their volatile oils was determined by gas chromatography.The fresh whole grass of A.tatarinowii was collected in different months,and the content of β-asarone in the different parts of the medicinal plant was determined by using gas chromatography.[Results]The differences of β-asarone content,volatile oil content and β-asarone content in volatile oil in the decoction pieces from different habitats were significant,among which the index content in decoction pieces from Sichuan habitats showed relatively little difference.During the study period,β-Asarone content in A.tatarinowii(dry weight)was the highest in February,followed by July.The content of β-asarone in the leaf bases of A.tatarinowii was higher than that in the rhizomes,while the leaves contained little β-asarone.[Conclusion]The established method is simple,rapid,quantitatively accurate and reproducible,and can be used for the quality evaluation of Acori Tatarinowii Rhizoma.In terms of volatile oil content and β-Asarone content,the quality of decoction pieces from Sichuan habitat is better.In terms of β-Asarone content,A.tatarinowii is better harvested in February and July,with better quality rhizomes and leaf bases.


天津中医药大学中医药研究院,现代中药创制全国重点实验室,组分中药国家重点实验室,天津市中药化学与分析重点实验室,天津 301617天津中医药大学中医药研究院,现代中药创制全国重点实验室,组分中药国家重点实验室,天津市中药化学与分析重点实验室,天津 301617||现代中医药海河实验室,天津 301617



Acori Tatarinowii RhizomaGCβ-asaronevolatile oilharvesting timemedicinal part

《天津中医药大学学报》 2024 (006)

511-517 / 7


