

Negotiation and Prospects of the WTO Agreement on Fisheries Subsidies from the Perspective of Sustainable Development


渔业补贴是各国支持渔业发展的重要工具,但其引发的过度捕捞问题成为亟待解决的各方关切.2022 年6 月17 日,在世界贸易组织(WTO)第12 届部长级会议上通过了《渔业补贴协定》,这是20 年来国际渔业补贴谈判的重要成果.作为第一个旨在实现环境可持续发展目标的WTO多边协定,《渔业补贴协定》通过减少具有破坏性的捕捞补贴,促进渔业资源的可持续利用,保护海洋生态系统的健康和海洋生物的多样性.在未来前景方面,《渔业补贴协定》为全球贸易与环境问题的讨论提供了模板,WTO成员在推动该协定最终生效的同时,还将对未决问题继续开展谈判.对于中国而言,实施《渔业补贴协定》的机遇大于挑战,有助于我国实现渔业高质量可持续发展、主动参与全球渔业治理、积极参与WTO有关贸易和环境议题的讨论.中国应积极履行协定承诺,并建设性地参与未决事宜的谈判,提出符合自身核心利益的提案.

Fisheries subsidies are an important tool for countries to support fisheries development,while the resulting problem of overfishing has become a pressing concern.On June 17,2022,the Agreement on Fish-eries Subsidies was adopted at the 12th Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization(WTO),marking a significant achievement in the international fisheries subsidies negotiations over the past 20 years.As the first WTO multilateral agreement aimed at achieving environmental sustainability goals,the Agree-ment on Fisheries Subsidies promotes the sustainable utilization of fisheries resources and the protection of marine ecosystems and biodiversity by reducing harmful fisheries subsidies.Looking ahead,this Agreement provides a template for global discussions on trade and environmental issues.While pushing for the eventual implementation of this Agreement,WTO members will continue negotiations on pending issues.For China,the implementation of this Agreement offers opportunities more than challenges,aiding the country in achie-ving high-quality sustainable development in fisheries,actively participating in global fisheries governance,and engaging in the discussions on the WTO trade and environmental issues.China should actively fulfill its commitments under this Agreement and constructively participate in the negotiation of pending issues,put-ting forward proposals that align with its core interests.


对外经济贸易大学,北京 100029



WTOfisheries subsidiessustainable developmenttrade and environmental issuesWorld Trade Organization

《太平洋学报》 2024 (006)

62-76 / 15


