

The U.S.Undersea Cable Rivalry with China:Strategic Operation and Impact Evaluation



As critical infrastructure,undersea cables are becoming the focus of great powers and a new per-spective to analyse the U.S.strategic approach towards China.Undersea cables have existed throughout the history of great power rivalry,during which the U.S.has repeatedly used it to attack its opponents.Undersea cables expand the dimension of great power infrastructure rivalry and has the development-security-technolo-gy-space nexus.Undersea cables have higher technical requirements and are the key to the Fourth Techno-logical Revolution.Having been located in deep sea,undersea cables lack effective supervision and are more vulnerable to risks.The U.S.rivalry with China on undersea cables is mainly based on national securi-ty considerations.At the same time,it hopes to use undersea cables to suppress Chinese companies and re-duce their market share,as well as maintaining technological dominance and deep sea hegemony.The U.S.competitive measures include forcing undersea cables to suspend construction or bypass China,cooperating with allies and partners to exclude Chinese companies from undersea cable market,restricting the export of undersea cable technology to China,and developing offensive undersea capabilities to attack China's un-dersea cables.The rivalry between the U.S.and China on undersea cables will lead to a dual structure in the digital field and increase the difficulty of global digital governance.Besides,the rivalry will be detrimental to the improvement of connectivity in Indo-Pacific states and the growth of local enterprises.It will also weaken the strategic stability between the U.S.and China,which increasing the risk of accidental occurring in deep sea.


中共中央党校(国家行政学院),北京 100091



undersea cablesnational securitytechnologydeep sea

《太平洋学报》 2024 (006)

93-106 / 14


