

Research on Chinese Data Security Policy Evaluation Based on PMC Index Model


[目的/意义]数据安全政策对保障和推进数据安全产业发展具有重要作用,对现行有效的数据安全政策进行量化评价,将为后续政策的制定提供参考和借鉴.[方法/过程]选取 2016 年至今各级政府制定的数据安全政策为研究对象,通过ROSTCM6 提取高频词汇并绘制社会网络图谱,选取 10 项代表性强的数据安全政策、条例等文件,政策名称代码记为P1、P2、…、P10.参考PMC模型相关研究的评价指标,构建数据安全政策的量化评价指标体系.[结果/结论]数据安全政策总体尚可,P2 为优秀等级,P1 为良好等级,P3、P6、P9为及格等级,P4、P5、P7、P8、P10 为不佳等级,在政策性质、政策时效、政策领域、政策对象等方面表现较好,在政策重点和政策工具等方面有待提高.

[Purpose/Significance]Data security policies play an important role in ensuring and promoting the devel-opment of data security industry.Quantitative evaluation of the current effective data security policies will provide reference for the formulation of subsequent policies.[Method/Process]Selecting the data security policies formulated by govern-ments at all levels from 2016 to the present as the research object.Through ROSTCM6 extracted high-frequency words and drawn social network mapping,selecting 10 highly representative data security policies,regulations and other documents,the policy name codes are noted as P1,P2…P10.With reference to the evaluation indexes of PMC model related studies,constructing the quantitative evaluation index system of data security policies.[Results/Conclusion]The data security poli-cies are generally fair,P2 is excellent grade,P1 is good grade,P3,P6 and P9 are passing grade,P4,P5,P7,P8 and P10 are poor grade,which performs well in terms of the nature of policy,policy timeliness,policy area and policy re-ceptor,and needs to be improved in terms of the focus of the policy and the policy tools.


黑龙江大学信息管理学院,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150080黑龙江大学信息资源管理研究中心,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150080黑龙江大学信息管理学院,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150080


data security policyPMC index modelpolicy evaluationpolicy quantificationsocial network

《现代情报》 2024 (8)



