

Application of PDSA cycle in addressing the problem of decomposed hospitalization for stroke disease under the DRG payment model


目的 探讨PDSA循环在DRG付费模式下降低脑卒中病种分解住院问题发生的应用价值,验证其中减少分解住院情况发生的对策的有效性.方法 以天津某三级医院脑卒中专业病种2022 年1 月—2022 年12 月参与DRG付费的脑卒中病例作为基线值,以天津市医保基金结算中心下发的《DRG/DIP联网审核实施细则(试行)》中的内容作为分解住院的判定标准,依据文件内容制定PDSA循环方案,于 2023 年 1 月—12 月开展PDSA循环,利用SPSS 20.0 分析PDSA循环前后分解住院发生例数的关系,确定其实际应用效果.结果 经过PDSA循环后,分解住院发生的例数由1268 例下降至26 例,总计下降了97.95%,各目标细分组例数和导致分解住院的原因发生次数均有显著下降.结论 在应对DRG付费模式下的脑卒中病种分解住院问题PDSA循环有着明显的作用,可有效减少分解住院情况的发生,提升医保结算清单和病案首页的填报质量,规范临床诊疗行为.

Objective To explore the application value of the Plan-Do-Study-Act(PDSA)cycle in reducing the occur-rence of decomposed hospitalization for stroke disease under the Diagnosis Related Group(DRG)payment model and validate the effectiveness of strategies to reduce decomposed hospitalization.Methods Taking stroke cases participating in DRG payment from January 2022 to December 2022 in a tertiary hospital in Tianjin as the baseline,the criteria for decomposed hospitalization were determined based on the"Implementation Rules for DRG/DIP Network Audit(Trial)"issued by the Tianjin Medical Insur-ance Fund Settlement Center.A PDSA cycle plan was developed according to the document content,and the PDSA cycle was im-plemented from January to December 2023.The relationship between the number of decomposed hospitalizations before and after the PDSA cycle was analyzed using SPSS 20.0 to determine the actual application effect.Results After the PDSA cycle,the number of decomposed hospitalizations decreased from1268 cases to26 cases,a total decrease of 97.95%.The number of cases in each target subgroup and the frequency of factors leading to decomposed hospitalization all showed a significant decrease.Con-clusion The PDSA cycle plays a significant role in addressing the problem of decomposed hospitalization for stroke disease under the DRG payment model.It can effectively reduce the occurrence of decomposed hospitalization,improve the quality of medical insurance settlement lists and medical records,and standardize clinical diagnosis and treatment behavior.


天津市环湖医院 天津 300350天津医科大学总医院 天津 300052天津医科大学眼科医院/眼视光学院、眼科研究所/国家眼耳鼻喉疾病临床医学研究中心天津市分中心/天津市视网膜功能与疾病重点实验室 天津 300384



DRG paymentPDSADecomposed hospitalizationStroke

《现代医院》 2024 (007)

1070-1074 / 5

