

The Correlation between Tooth Brushing Frequency and Blood Indicators in Adolescents:A Cross-sectional Observational Study


目的 分析青少年刷牙频率对血液指标的相关性,初步探讨刷牙频率对青少年全身健康的影响.方法 采用便利抽样法,纳入济宁市第七中学2021级学生和济宁市体育训练中心体育训练学生为研究对象.采用单因素和多因素线性回归分析青少年刷牙频率对嗜酸性粒细胞百分比(eosinophil percentage,EOS%)、嗜酸性粒细胞计数(eosinophil count,EOS#)、嗜碱性粒细胞百分比(basophil percentage,BAS%)、嗜碱性粒细胞计数(basophil count,BAS#)、过氧化物歧化酶(superoxide dismutase,SOD)、胰岛素样生长因子1(insulin-like growth factor 1,IGF-1)、尿酸(uric acid,UA)等血液指标的影响.结果 共纳入 305 名青少年(济宁市第七中学 167 名、济宁市体育训练中心 138 名),其中男性 192 名(62.95%),女性113 名(37.05%).根据每日刷牙频率分为 3 组,分别为≤1 次组(40.33%,123/305)、2 次组(53.77%,164/305)和≥3 次组(5.90%,18/305).单因素线性回归分析显示,每日刷牙2 次与EOS%、EOS#、BAS%和BAS#均呈显著负相关(β均<0,P均<0.05),与SOD和IGF-1均呈显著正相关(β均>0,P=0.028,P=0.007);每日刷牙≥3 次与UA呈显著负相关[β(95%CI):-0.16(-0.27~0.04),P=0.008].多因素线性回归分析显示,每日刷牙2 次与BAS%呈显著负相关(β<0,P=0.042)、与SOD和IGF-1均呈显著正相关(β均>0,P=0.036,P=0.012);每日刷牙≥3 次与UA呈显著负相关(β<0,P=0.026).亚组分析结果表明,男性青少年每日刷牙 2 次与IGF-1 呈显著正相关(β>0,P=0.044),女性青少年每日刷牙≥3 次与UA呈显著负相关(β<0,P=0.014).结论 青少年刷牙频率与多项影响全身健康的血液指标具有相关性,提示口腔健康与全身健康可能存在潜在关联.

Objective To analyze the effects of tooth brushing frequency on blood indicators among adolescents and to preliminarily explore the effects of tooth brushing frequency on general health.Methods Using convenience sampling method,the study included the students of class 2021 of Jining No.7 Middle School and student athletes from the Jining Sports Training Center.Univariate and multivariate linear regression analyses were used to investigate the correlation between tooth brushing frequency and blood indicators such as eosinophil percentage(EOS%),eosinophil count(EOS#),basophil percentage(BAS%),basophil count(BAS#),superoxide dismutase(SOD),insulin-like growth factor 1(IGF-1)and uric acid(UA).Results A total of 305 students were included(167 from Jining No.7 Middle School,138 from Jining Sports Training Centre),with 192(62.95%)males and 113(37.05%)females.They were divided into three groups based on daily teeth brushing frequency:≤1 time(40.33%,123/305),2 times(53.77%,164/305),and≥3 times(5.90%,18/305).Univariate linear regression analysis showed that brushing twice daily was negatively correlated with EOS%,EOS#,BAS%,and BAS#(all β>0,all P<0.05),and positively correlated with SOD and IGF-1(both β<0,P=0.028,P=0.007).Brushing three or more times daily was negatively correlated with UA[β(95%CI):-0.16(-0.27~0.04),P=0.008].Multivariate linear regression analysis showed that brushing twice daily was negatively correlated with BAS%(β<0,P=0.042)and positively correlated with SOD and IGF-1(both β>0,P=0.036,P=0.012),while brushing three or more times daily was nega-tively correlated with UA(β<0,P=0.026).Subgroup analysis revealed that in male adolescents,brushing twice daily was positively correlated with IGF-1(β>0,P=0.044),and in female adolescents,brushing three or more times daily was negatively correlated with UA(β<0,P=0.014).Conclusion The adolescent tooth brushing frequency correlates with several blood indicators affecting general health,suggesting that there may be a potential association between oral health and general health.


吉林大学白求恩口腔医学院,长春 130021中国医学科学院北京协和医院内分泌科国家卫生健康委内分泌重点实验室,北京 100730



brushing frequencyblood indicatorswhole body healthoral care

《协和医学杂志》 2024 (004)

960-967 / 8

国家重点研发计划(2022YFC3600203) National Key Research and Development Program of China(2022YFC3600203)

