Effects of different spraying machinery and pesticide combination on the defoliation,the ripeness,yield and quality of cotton
[目的]研究不同喷药机械与药剂组合对棉花脱叶催熟效果及产量品质的影响,为机采棉提质增效合理使用无人机喷施脱叶剂提供参考.[方法]设置不同喷药机械喷施棉花脱叶剂试验,处理包括不同机械类型、不同药剂组合7 个处理,分析不同处理的棉花脱叶率、挂枝率、吐絮率、产量及品质差异.[结果]在相同药剂处理下,棉花脱叶率和挂枝率表现为大疆T16 无人机>极飞P30 无人机>机车东方红LX2204;吐絮率、单株铃数、衣分、产量、马克隆值和断裂伸长率则是极飞P30 无人机>大疆T16 无人机>机车东方红LX2204.在增加相同飞防助剂后,棉花脱叶率、吐絮率、单株铃数和产量均是极飞P30 无人机>大疆T16 无人机>机车东方红LX2204;挂枝率、整齐度指数和断裂比强度表现为大疆T16 无人机>极飞P30 无人机>机车东方红LX2204.不同无人机类型T2 处理(极飞P30 无人机+臻灵+助剂+乙烯利+贝达通+中农大特定药剂)和T5 处理(大疆T16 无人机+瑞脱龙+助剂+乙烯利+贝达通)的综合脱叶催熟效果最佳.喷药后20 d,T2 处理和T5 处理喷药分别较机车喷药脱叶率高1.97%和1.41%,吐絮率分别低0.51%和1.52%;T2 处理产量最高,籽棉产量比机车喷施增产25.56%和25.22%;品质较好,纤维上半部平均长度、整齐度指数和断裂伸长率较机车低 1.77%、2.23%和3.34%,断裂比强度和马克隆值较机车高1.95%和1.99%.[结论]2 种无人机喷施脱叶剂组合均比机车起到较好的脱叶催熟效果,比机车的棉花产量略高且提高了部分纤维品质参数,T2 和T5 处理可在大田机采棉上推广应用.
[Objective]To study the effects of spraying machinery and pesticide combination on cotton defoliation,ripeness,yield and quality,in the hope of providing reference for the rational use of UAV defoliant for improving the quality and efficiency of machine-picked cotton.[Methods]Experiments on the different spraying machines to spray cotton defoliation were carried out,different machine types,chemical combinations and other treatments were set up to analyze the differences in cotton defoliation rate,branch hanging rate,boll opening rate,etc.[Results]Under the same agent treatment,the elongation rate and branch hanging rate were shown as DJI T16 UAV>DJI T16 UAV>Locomotive DFH LX2204 and in terms of boll number per plant,lint,yield Micronaire value and elongation at break were XAG P30 UAV>DJI T16 UAV>Locomotive DFH LX2204.After adding the same anti-flying adjuvant,the defoliation rate,flocculation rate,boll number per plant and yield were all the same as those of XAG P30 UAV>DJI T16 UAV>Locomotive DFH LX2204,branch hanging rate,uniformity index and the fracture strength were shown as DJI T16 UAV>XAG P30 UAV>Locomotive DFH LX2204.Different UAV types T2 treatment(XAG P30 UAV+Zhenling+Auxiliary+Ethephon+Bedaton+CAU specific agent)and T5 treatment(DJI T16 UAV+Rettolone+Aviation+Ethephon+Bedaton)did the best.When it came to 20 days after spraying,the defoliation rate of T2 treatment and T5 treatment was 1.97%and 1.41%higher than that of the Locomotive spraying,and the flocculation rate was slightly lower by 0.51%and 1.52%,respectively;T2 treatment had the highest yield,and the seed cotton yield were 25.56%and 25.22%higher than that of locomotive spraying;the quality were better,while the av-erage length,uniformity index and elongation of the upper half were 1.77%,2.23%and 3.34%lower than those of Locomotive spraying.The breaking strength and Micronaire value were 1.95%and 1.99%higher than those of the locomotive.[Conclusion]Both kinds of defoliant combination sprayed by UAV can achieve better defoliation and ripening effect than that of Locomotive,slightly higher cotton yield than that of Locomotive,and improve some fiber quality parameters.In comprehensive consideration,T2 and T5 treatment are recommended to be popularized and applied in field mechanical cotton harvesting.
新疆农垦科学院棉花研究所/农业农村部西北内陆区棉花生物学与遗传育种重点实验室,新疆石河子 832000新疆农垦科学院棉花研究所/农业农村部西北内陆区棉花生物学与遗传育种重点实验室,新疆石河子 832000新疆农垦科学院棉花研究所/农业农村部西北内陆区棉花生物学与遗传育种重点实验室,新疆石河子 832000新疆生产建设兵团无人机行业协会,乌鲁木齐 830002新疆石河子职业技术学院水建分院,新疆石河子 832003新疆农垦科学院棉花研究所/农业农村部西北内陆区棉花生物学与遗传育种重点实验室,新疆石河子 832000新疆生产建设兵团无人机行业协会,乌鲁木齐 830002新疆生产建设兵团无人机行业协会,乌鲁木齐 830002新疆农垦科学院棉花研究所/农业农村部西北内陆区棉花生物学与遗传育种重点实验室,新疆石河子 832000新疆农垦科学院棉花研究所/农业农村部西北内陆区棉花生物学与遗传育种重点实验室,新疆石河子 832000
unmanned aerial vehicledefoliantscottonfiber qualityyield
《新疆农业科学》 2024 (4)
国家重点研发计划项目(2020YFD1001002)新疆生产建设兵团英才新疆生产建设兵团领军人才计划(2019CB018) National Key Research and Development Project of China(2020YFD1001002)Outstanding personnal of Xinjiang Production and Construction CorpsLeading Talent Project of XPCC(2019CB018)