

Canine Testicular Tumors:a Retrospective Pathological Study of 119 Cases


随着宠物医疗水平的不断提高,犬猫的平均寿命得以延长,同时也导致了各类型肿瘤的检测和诊断率的显著提高.为了了解不同肿瘤的特点,更好地诊治犬猫肿瘤,通过调查扩充其流行病学数据库是十分必要的.犬原发性睾丸肿瘤是雄犬临床常见的肿瘤之一,其来源可以是睾丸性索/性腺间质、生殖细胞等.本研究对2013-2021年多家宠物医院送检本实验室的2 803例犬各器官肿物进行了分类,对其中的119例犬原发性睾丸肿瘤病例进行回顾性病理学分析,列举所诊断出的其中四类肿瘤的组织病理学特征;并统计病例背景信息,探讨犬原发性睾丸肿瘤的风险因素.对于HE染色诊断较为困难的混合性生殖细胞-性索间质瘤,联合应用三种免疫组织化学标记物进行精准诊断,以便进行各类睾丸肿瘤的组织病理学鉴别诊断.结果显示,雄犬的原发性睾丸肿瘤检出率为10.8%,占所有送检病例的4.25%.其中,支持细胞瘤28例(23.5%),间质细胞瘤37例(31.1%),精原细胞瘤42例(35.3%),混合性生殖细胞-性索间质瘤12例(10.1%).本研究提供了我国犬原发性睾丸肿瘤流行病学的最新资料,并通过统计分析患犬背景信息证实了隐睾是支持细胞瘤和精原细胞瘤的重要风险因素,初步探讨了品种、隐睾位置与不同类型睾丸肿瘤检出率之间的可能相关性.

As the level of pet medical care continues to improve,the average life span of domestic animals has been extended.This also led to a significant increase in the detection and diagnosis rates of tumors.For better diagnosis and treatment of canine and feline tumors,it is necessary to understand the characteristics of different tumors and expand their epidemiological database through investigation.Canine testicular tumor is one of the common clinical tumors in male dogs.It generally arises from either the sex cord stromal elements of the gonad or from germ cells.Our study collected 119 canine testicular tumor cases among 2 803 canine tumors sent to our laboratory from multiple hospitals from 2013 to 2021 for retrospective pathological analysis.We listed the gross pathological and histopathological features of four types of canine testicular tumors diagnosed and explored the risk factors for canine testicular tumors.For mixed germ cell-sex cord stromal tumors,which are difficult to diagnose by HE staining,three immunohistochemical markers are combined for accurate diagnosis.The results showed that the detection rate of testicular tumors in male dogs was 10.8%,accounting for 4.25%of all cases submitted for examination.Among them,28 cases(23.5%)were Sertoli cell tumors,37 cases(31.1%)Leydig cell tumors,42 cases(35.3%)seminoma,and 12 cases(10.1%)mixed germ cell-sex cord stromal tumors.Our study provides the latest information on the epidemiology of primary testicular tumors in dogs in China.It confirmed that cryptorchidism is an important risk factor for Sertoli cell tumor and seminoma through statistical analysis of the background information of the affected dogs.In addition,we preliminarily explored possible correlations between breed,cryptorchidism location,and detection rates of different types of testicular tumors.


中国农业大学动物医学院,北京 100193



canine testicular tumorhistopathologydifferential diagnosis

《畜牧兽医学报》 2024 (007)

3177-3184 / 8


