

Study on the Hnf1b,Pdx1,Ngn3 and Pax4/Nkx6.1 Reprograms Canine Adipose-derived MSCs to Differentiate into IPCs


本研究旨在利用转基因技术诱导脂肪间充质干细胞(adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells,AMSCs)分化为胰岛素分泌细胞(insulin producing cells,IPCs),通过干细胞疗法达到临床治疗糖尿病的目的.本试验首先验证了 Hnf1b基因在体外诱导犬AMSCs向IPCs分化中的作用,在此基础上联合胰岛细胞发育过程中起关键作用的级联调控因子Pdx1、Ngn3、Pax4、Nkx6.1,组成三种不同的多基因共表达腺病毒感染犬AMSCs,重编程其向IPCs分化,通过检测筛选出最佳诱导组合.结果表明,Hnf1b基因对体外诱导犬AMSCs向IPCs分化具有促进作用.pAdEasy-Hnf1b-Pdx1-Ngn3(A)、pAdEasy-Hnf1b-Pdx1-Ngn3-Pax4(B)、pAdEasy-Hnf1b-Pdx1-Ngn3-Nkx6.1(C)三种组合的多基因共表达腺病毒载体,在感染犬AMSCs 25 d后,A、B、C三组均形成胰岛样细胞团,且B组数量最多,双硫腙染色着色最深;高糖刺激下B组的胰岛素分泌量极显著高于A组和C组.A、B、C三组的胰岛细胞发育相关基因表达量显著升高;B组Pdx1基因的表达量显著高于A组和C组,Pcsk1基因表达量极显著高于C组;Ins基因的表达量显著高于A组.综上所述,Hnf1b基因对体外诱导犬AMSCs向IPCs分化具有促进作用,Hnf1b、Pdx1、Ngn3和Pax4基因联合诱导效率最佳.该研究结果为探究干细胞向IPCs分化的更高效方法提供新参考,也为糖尿病的临床治疗提供新思路.

The purpose of this study is to use transgenic technology to induce Adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells(AMSCs)to differentiate into insulin secured cells(IPCs),and to achieve the purpose of clinical treatment of diabetes through stem cell therapy.This study first verified the role of Hnf1b gene in inducing the differentiation of canine AMSCs into IPCs in vitro,and on this basis combined with the cascade regulatory factors Pdx1,Ngn3,Pax4 and Nkx6.1,which play a key role in the development of islet cells,three different polygenic co-expressing adenovirus infected canine AMSCs.It was reprogrammed to differentiate into IPCs,and the optimal induction combination was selected by detection.The results showed that Hnf1b gene could promote the differentiation of canine AMSCs into IPCs in vitro.Three combinations of multi-gene co-expression vectors were constructed,pAdEasy-H nf1b-Pdx1-Ngn3(A),pAdEasy-Hnf1b-Pdx1-Ngn3-Pax4(B),pAdEasy-Hnf1b-Pdx1-Ngn3-Nkx6.1(C).After 25 days infected with canine AMSCs,pancreatic islet-like cell clusters were formed in group A,B,and C.Group B had the largest number,and dithizone staining was the deepest.The amount of insulin secretion in group B under high glucose stimulation was significantly higher than group A and group C.The expressions of genes related to islet cell development in groups A,B and C were significantly increased.The expression of Pdxl gene in group B was significantly higher than group A and group C;The Pcsk1 gene expression in group B was significantly higher than that in group C;The expression of Ins gene in group B was higher than that in group A.In summary,Hnf1b gene can promote the differentiation of canine AMSCs into IPCs in vitro.It is shown that the combination of Hnf1b,Pdx1,Ngn3 and Pax4 genes has the best induction efficiency,which provides a new reference for exploring more efficient methods of stem cell differentiation into IPCs,and provides new ideas for clinical treatment of diabetes.


西北农林科技大学动物医学院兽医外科实验室,杨凌 712100



diabetescanine adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cellsinsulin producing cellsHnf1b genemultigene co-expression

《畜牧兽医学报》 2024 (007)

3205-3212 / 8


