

Analysis of the effect of Berkshire hybrid introduction on the growth and fattening traits of Suzi pigs


为了探讨含不同巴克夏猪(巴克夏)血统含量(0、25%、50%)的苏紫猪生长育肥性状有无显著改善,选取 68 头不同类型的苏紫猪,初始体重在30 kg左右,采用全自动种猪生产性能测定系统进行分批次测定.结果显示:试验共获得 130 700 条有效采食和称重数据,深入分析后发现不同巴克夏血统含量的苏紫猪达相关体重的日龄不同,达60 kg和 90 kg体重日龄均为含 50%巴克夏血统苏紫猪最大,显著大于无巴克夏血统苏紫猪(P<0.05).30~60 kg生长阶段的日增重,含25%巴克夏血统和无巴克夏血统苏紫猪显著高于含 50%巴克夏血统苏紫猪(P<0.05);30~90 kg和 30~110 kg生长阶段的日增重,均为无巴克夏血统苏紫猪最高,显著高于含 50%巴克夏血统苏紫猪(P<0.05).30~90 kg和 30~100 kg生长阶段的料重比,均为含 50%巴克夏血统苏紫猪最低,且显著低于含 25%巴克夏血统和无巴克夏血统苏紫猪(P<0.05).结论:杂交导入巴克夏血统对苏紫猪的生长速度提升不显著,但对其料重比的改善显著,其中含25%巴克夏血统的苏紫猪生长性能比较均衡,未来可以进行优先培育.

In order to understand whether the growth and fattening traits of Suzi pigs were affected by hybridization introduction of Berkshire pigs,68 different types of Suzi pigs were selected with an initial body weight of around 30 kg,in the experiment.The production performance of these pigs was measured using an automatic breeding performance measurement system by batch.130 700 pieces of effective feeding and weighing data were obtained.In-depth analysis of these data showed that Suzi pigs with different levels of Berkshire bloodline had different day ages in reaching relevant body weight.For the age days at 60 kg body weight and age at 90 kg body weight,Suzi pigs possessing 50%Berkshire bloodline had the biggest age period,significantly bigger than that of Suzi pigs with no Berkshire bloodline(P<0.05).Secondly,Suzi pigs with different levels of Berkshire bloodline also had different daily gains.During the 30-60 kg growth stage,the daily gain of Suzi pigs containing 25%Berkshire bloodline and Suzi pigs containing none Berkshire bloodline were significantly higher than that of Suzi pigs containing 50%Berkshire bloodline(P<0.05).During the 30-90 kg and 30-110 kg growth stage,the daily gain of Suzi pigs containing none Berkshire bloodline was the highest,significantly higher than that of Suzi pigs containing 50%Berkshire bloodline(P<0.05).Lastly,Suzi pigs with different levels of Berkshire bloodline also had different feed conversion ratios.During the 30-90 kg and 30-100 kg growth stage,the feed conversion ratio of Suzi pigs containing 50%Berkshire bloodline was the lowest,and it was significantly lower than that of Su-zi pigs containing 25%Berkshire bloodline and Suzi pigs containing no Berkshire bloodline(P<0.05).In short,the introduction of Berk-shire bloodline through hybridization did not significantly improve the growth rate of Suzi pigs,but significantly promoted their feed conversion ratio.And Suzi pigs containing 25%Berkshire bloodline showed relatively balanced growth performance and enjoyed prior breeding in the fu-ture.


江苏省农业科学院畜牧研究所/农业农村部种养结合重点实验室/江苏省畜禽精准育种工程研究中心/江苏省食品质量安全重点实验室/江苏省农业种质资源保护与利用平台,江苏 南京 210014||南京农业大学动物科技学院,江苏 南京 210095江苏省农业科学院畜牧研究所/农业农村部种养结合重点实验室/江苏省畜禽精准育种工程研究中心/江苏省食品质量安全重点实验室/江苏省农业种质资源保护与利用平台,江苏 南京 210014



piggrowthfatteningperformancehybridization introduction

《畜牧与兽医》 2024 (008)

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