Effects of extracellular polysaccharides from Lactobacillus plantarum on growth performance,serum biochemical and immune indicators,and intestinal histology in weaned piglets
旨在探究植物乳杆菌胞外多糖(LP-EPS)对断奶仔猪的生长性能、血清生化与免疫指标、抗氧化指标、肠道形态结构和肠道细胞凋亡的影响.试验选取体重相近的26 日龄"杜×长×大"三元杂交断奶仔猪100 头,公母各半,随机分为对照组和试验组,每组 5 个重复,每个重复 10头,对照组饲喂基础日粮,试验组饲喂基础日粮+LP-EPS 0.4 mg/kg,试验期 30 d;试验期间测定并统计 2 组断奶仔猪的各生产性能指标,试验结束时采集2 组猪的血液和肠道组织,进行生化和免疫指标检测、肠道组织学观察以及TUNEL染色试验检测肠道细胞凋亡.结果显示:与对照组相比,添加LP-EPS的断奶仔猪,腹泻率和死亡率明显下降,平均日增重显著增加(P<0.05),料重比明显降低(P<0.05),血清中的总蛋白、白蛋白、免疫球蛋白G、免疫球蛋白A及总抗氧化能力水平明显上升(P<0.05).此外,与对照组相比,日粮中添加LP-EPS显著提高了断奶仔猪的十二指肠、空肠和盲肠的绒毛高度(P<0.05),以及十二指肠、盲肠的绒毛高度/隐窝深度(P<0.05).日粮中添加LP-EPS极显著降低了空肠(P<0.001)和盲肠(P<0.01)的细胞凋亡阳性率.提示:日粮中添加 0.4 mg/kg的LP-EPS可提高断奶仔猪的生长性能,改善肠道绒毛形态,增强机体的免疫功能和抗氧化功能,减少肠道细胞凋亡.
This study was to explore the effects of exopolysaccharides of Lactobacillus plantarum(LP-EPS)on the growth,serum immuni-ty,antioxidant indexes,intestinal morphological structure and intestinal cell apoptosis in weaned piglets.100 weaned pigs of(Duroc×Land-race×Large class)with similar body weight were selected and randomly divided into the experimental group and the control group,with 50 piglets in each group.The experimental group was fed with basal diet+LP-EPS 0.4 mg/kg,and the control group was fed with basal diet.The trial period was 30 d.During the test,the performance indexes of the two groups of weaned pigs were measured and counted;and at the end of the test,blood and intestinal tissue samples were collected from the piglets,and intestinal cell apoptosis was detected by biochemical and immune tests,HE staining of intestinal tissue and Tunel assay.The results showed that the LP-ESP additive decreased the rate of diar-rhea and mortality of the piglets,increased their average daily weight gain(P<0.05),decreased their meat to feed ratio(P<0.05),and in-creased the level of total protein,albumin,immunoglobulin G,immunoglobulin A and total antioxidant capacity in serum(P<0.05).Fur-thermore,the addition of LP-EPS significantly increased the villi height of the duodenum,jejunum,and cecum(P<0.05),as well as the caecal villi height/crypt depth in the duodenum and cecum(P<0.05).Daily dietary addition of LP-EPS significantly reduced apoptosis in the jejunum(P<0.001)and cecum(P<0.01)in the piglets.In conclusion,0.4 mg/kg LP-EPS added to the diet promoted the growth per-formance of the weaned piglets,improved their intestinal villus morphology,enhanced their immune function and antioxidant function,and reduced intestinal cell apoptosis in them.
福建省农业科学院畜牧兽医研究所,福建 福州 350013福建省农业科学院畜牧兽医研究所,福建 福州 350013福建省农业科学院畜牧兽医研究所,福建 福州 350013福建九为生物技术有限公司,福建 漳州 363900福建省农业科学院生物技术研究所,福建 福州 350013
Lactobacillus plantarumEPSweaned pigletsimmune indexantioxidative indexapoptosis
《畜牧与兽医》 2024 (8)