A Provisional Discourse on the Supplementary and Historical Significance of Ti-betan Genealogical Literature
Genealogy is the chronicle of a family's life history that includes records of members,events,and names belonging to the same family.It is known by the historical Tibetan terms gdungrabs or rus-yig,which denote paternal lines.Tibetan genealogies were first compiled in the late Tang and Tubo periods,matured in the Yuan and Ming dynasties,and gained popularity in the Qing and Republic of China eras.Based on the examination of 130 types of Tibetan genealogy published,six categories of genealogies may be distinguished based on family identification and genealogical re-cords.These Tibetan genealogy records transcend the realm of traditional Tibetan religious history and regal chronicles.They serve as both primary source materials for family history research and significant historical resources for the study of local and regional history.Scholars can analyze the historical patterns of the emergence of the Chinese national community from fresh angles thanks to the historical information preserved in them.
西藏大学中华民族共同体研究院 西藏850000
《西藏研究》 2024 (003)
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