首页|期刊导航|自动化学报(英文版)|Multi-Robot Collaborative Hunting in Cluttered Environments With Obstacle-Avoiding Voronoi Cells

Multi-Robot Collaborative Hunting in Cluttered Environments With Obstacle-Avoiding Voronoi CellsOACSTPCDEI

Multi-Robot Collaborative Hunting in Cluttered Environments With Obstacle-Avoiding Voronoi Cells


This work proposes an online collaborative hunting strategy for multi-robot systems based on obstacle-avoiding Voronoi cells in a complex dynamic environment.This involves firstly designing the construction method using a support vector machine(SVM)based on the definition of buffered Voronoi cells(BVCs).Based on the safe collision-free region of the robots,the boundary weights between the robots and the obstacles are dynamically updated such that the robots are tangent to the buffered Voronoi safety areas without intersecting with the obsta-cles.Then,the robots are controlled to move within their own buffered Voronoi safety area to achieve collision-avoidance with other robots and obstacles.The next step involves proposing a hunting method that optimizes collaboration between the pur-suers and evaders.Some hunting points are generated and dis-tributed evenly around a circle.Next,the pursuers are assigned to match the optimal points based on the Hungarian algorithm.Then,a hunting controller is designed to improve the contain-ment capability and minimize containment time based on colli-sion risk.Finally,simulation results have demonstrated that the proposed cooperative hunting method is more competitive in terms of time and travel distance.

Meng Zhou;Zihao Wang;Jing Wang;Zhengcai Cao

School of Electrical and Control Engineering,North China University of Technology,Beijing 100144,ChinaCollege of Information Science and Technology,Beijing University of Chemical Technology,Beijing 100029,China

Dynamic obstacle avoidancemulti-robot collabora-tive huntingobstacle-avoiding Voronoi cellstask allocation

《自动化学报(英文版)》 2024 (007)

1643-1655 / 13

This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(62273007,61973023)and Project of Cultivation for Young Top-motch Talents of Beijing Municipal Institutions(BPHR202203032).

