

An improved point cloud registration method based on the point-by-point forward method


点云配准是获取三维点云模型空间姿态的关键步骤,为了进一步提高点云配准的效率和准确性,提出了一种基于逐点前进法特征点提取的改进型点云配准方法.首先,利用逐点前进法快速提取点云特征点,在保留点云模型特征的同时大幅精简点云数量.然后,通过使用法向量约束改进的KN-4PCS算法进行粗配准,以实现源点云与目标点云的初步配准.最后,使用双向Kd-tree优化的LM-ICP算法完成精配准.实验结果显示:在斯坦福大学开放点云数据配准实验中,其平均误差较SAC-IA+ICP算法减少了约 70.2%,较NDT+ICP算法减少了约 49.6%,配准耗时分别减少约 86.2%和81.9%,同时在引入不同程度的高斯噪声后仍能保持较高的精度和较低的耗时.在真实室内物体点云配准实验中,其平均配准误差为 0.0742 mm,算法耗时平均为 0.572 s.通过斯坦福开放数据与真实室内场景物体点云数据对比分析结果表明:本方法能够有效提高点云配准的效率、准确性和鲁棒性,为基于点云的室内目标识别与位姿估计奠定了良好的基础.

We propose an improved point cloud registration method based on point-by-point forward feature point extraction to improve the efficiency and accuracy of point cloud registration.Firstly,the point-by-point forward method was used to quickly extract the point cloud feature points,significantly reducing the number of point clouds while retaining the characteristics of the point cloud model.Then,the improved KN-4PCS al-gorithm using normal vector constraints was coarsely registered to achieve the preliminary registration of the source point cloud and the target point cloud.Finally,the two-way Kd-tree optimized LM-ICP algorithm was used to complete the fine registration.In this paper,registration experiments were conducted on different point cloud data.In the registration experiment on Stanford University open point cloud data,the average er-ror was reduced by about 70.2% compared with the SAC-IA+ICP algorithm,about 49.6% compared with the NDT+ICP algorithm,and the registration time was reduced by about 86.2% and 81.9%,respectively,while maintaining high accuracy and lower time consumption after introducing different degrees of Gaussian noise.In the point cloud registration experiment on real indoor objects,the average registration error was 0.0742 mm,and the average algorithm time was 0.572 s.The experimental results show that the proposed method can effectively improve the point cloud registration's efficiency,accuracy,and robustness,thereby providing a solid foundation for indoor target recognition and pose estimation based on the point cloud.


哈尔滨理工大学先进制造智能化技术教育部重点实验室,黑龙江哈尔滨 150080



point cloud registrationKN-4PCSbidirectional Kd-treeLM-ICP

《中国光学(中英文)》 2024 (004)

875-885 / 11

国家自然科学基金(No.51975169);黑龙江省自然科学基金(No.LH2022E085)Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.51975169);Natural Science Foundation of Heilongjiang Province(No.LH2022E085)

