Role of disease perception and treatment confidence in the compliance of self-efficacy rehabilitation of stroke patients
Objective:To analyze the role of disease perception and medication belief in self-efficacy and rehabilita-tion compliance of stroke patients.Methods:Totally,321 stroke patients admitted to our hospital from May 2022 to April 2023 served as the research objects.The general information questionnaire and the functional exercise compli-ance scale for stroke(SFEAS),beliefs about medical questionnaire(BMQ),disease perception questionnaire(B-IPQ)and self-efficacy scale(SSEQ)were used to analyze the relationship between disease perception,medication belief,self-efficacy and rehabilitation compliance.Results:In total,21 invalid questionnaires were excluded,and 300 valid questionnaires were finally obtained.The scores of B-IPQ scale,BMQ scale,SFEAS scale and SSEQ scale were(45.33±8.31),(30.10±3.32),(34.89±8.90)and(74.09±11.80),respectively,and the total scores of each scale and each dimension were at the lower-middle level.There was no significant difference in the scores of B-IPQ,BMQ,SFEAS and SSEQ among patients with different gender,age,body mass index,education background and residence.Pearson correlation analysis showed that disease perception was negatively correlated with medication belief,self-efficacy and rehabilitation compliance(r=-0.754,-0.741,-0.785;P<0.001).There was a positive correlation between medication belief and self-efficacy(r=0.864;P<0.001);There was a positive correlation be-tween medication belief and rehabilitation compliance(r=0.780;P<0.001).There was a positive correlation be-tween self-efficacy and rehabilitation compliance(r=0.753;P<0.001).The mediating effect of self-perception and medication belief between self-efficacy and rehabilitation compliance of stroke patients showed that the path coeffi-cient of self-efficacy to rehabilitation compliance was 0.409,and self-efficacy had a partial indirect effect on rehabili-tation compliance through mediating variables of disease perception and belief intaking medicine.Conclusion:The oc-currence of stroke can affect patients'disease percep-tion,medication belief,self-efficacy and rehabilitation compliance,and disease perception and medication be-lief can affect patients'self-efficacy and rehabilitation compliance.
郑州大学第一附属医院 康复医学科,郑州 450052郑州大学第一附属医院临床教研室,郑州 450052郑州大学第一附属医院 康复医学科,郑州 450052郑州大学第一附属医院护理部,郑州 450052
strokedisease perceptionbelief in tak-ing medicineself-efficacyrehabilitation compliancemediating effect
《中国康复》 2024 (7)