

Influencing Factors and Early-warning Mechanism of Pork Price Fluctuation


猪肉作为中国主要的肉类消费品,其价格波动不仅影响消费者,还关系到生猪养殖户的利益,猪肉价格保持正常波动至关重要.本研究选取山东省 2016-2022 年每月猪肉价格时间序列数据作为研究对象,构建GARCH(1,1)模型分析猪肉价格的影响因素,实证分析结果表明:在 5%的显著性水平下,生猪价格、仔猪价格、滞后一期的羊肉价格、牛肉价格和滞后一期的牛肉价格对猪肉价格的影响均显著,其中滞后一期的羊肉价格影响最为显著,其系数绝对值为 0.915,仔猪价格影响最小.同时,本研究通过建立灰色理论预警模型对猪肉价格异常值进行监测预警分析,结果表明灰色GM(1,1)具有较好的预警效果,其模型精度达到了 87.12%,能够满足预测效果.最后,基于实证分析结果,从需求供给角度出发提出防止猪肉价格异常波动的具体建议.

As the main meat products in China,the price fluctuation of pork not only affects consumers,but also relates to the interests of pig farmers,so it is very important for the price of pork to maintain normal fluctuations.Taking the monthly pork price time series data of Shandong province from 2016 to 2022 as the research object,this paper constructed the GARCH(1,1)model to analyze the influencing factors of pork price.The empirical analysis results showed that:at the significance level of 5%,the effects of live pigs,piglets,mutton prices with a lag period,beef prices and beef prices with a lag period on pork prices are all significant,among which the impact of mutton prices with a lag period is the most significant,with the absolute value of the coefficient being 0.915,and the impact of piglet prices is the least.At the same time,this paper studied the early warning mechanism through establishing the grey theory early warning model to monitor the abnormal value of pork price.The results showed that grey GM(1,1)has a good early warning effect,and its model accuracy reaches 87.12%,which can meet the prediction effect.Finally,based on the results of empirical analysis,specific suggestions were put forward to prevent abnormal price fluctuation of pork from the perspective of demand and supply.


西北师范大学数学与统计学院 甘肃 兰州 730070


pork price fluctuation factorprice forecastGARCH(1,1)modelprice warningGM(1,1)

《农业展望》 2024 (006)

24-29 / 6
