

Comprehensive Evaluation of Agronomic Traits of Pepper Germplasm Resources



This study used 273 chilli pepper germplasm resources as materials and employed coefficient of variation,diversity index,correlation,principal component and cluster analyses to evaluate the main agronomic traits of peppers.The results showed that the average coefficient of variation for 17 important agronomic traits in 273 chili pepper germplasm resources was 19.99%-107.16%.The difference in single fruit weight between the materials is the largest,with a coefficient of variation of 107.16%.The diversity index for fruit number per plant was the highest,with a value of 1.97.There is a high correlation between the 13 main agronomic traits.The main factors affecting the variation of chili pepper traits are fruit transverse diameter,the shape of fruit top,placenta size,and green ripe fruit color.Principal component analysis of 13 major agronomic traits into 4 principal components,with a cumulative contribution rate of 59.92%,which respectively reflected fruit transverse diameter,the shape of fruit top,placenta size,and green ripe fruit color.This study obtained the top 10 chili pepper germplasm materials through comprehensive score.The top three chili pepper germplasm resources in the rankings are thin skinned peppers T302,T281,and T301 from Yunnan.Their fruit number per plant,single fruit weight,the longitudinal diameter and transverse diameter of fruits are all relatively high.Cluster analysis divided 273 chili pepper germplasm materials into 4 groups,effectively distinguishing different chili pepper materials.


安徽科技学院,安徽滁州 233100北京市农林科学院蔬菜研究所,蔬菜生物育种全国重点实验室,蔬菜种质改良北京市重点实验室,华北地区园艺作物生物学与种质创制重点实验室,国家蔬菜工程技术研究中心,北京 100097


peppergermplasm resourcecorrelation analysisprincipal component analysiscluster analysiscomprehensive evaluation

《中国蔬菜》 2024 (007)

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