Analysis of short-term scientific weight loss effect and persistence in overweight and obese children
目的 探索夏令营减重方式对超重、肥胖儿童减重的效果及出营后随访分析.方法 对2023年7月至8月首都医科大学附属北京儿童医院临床营养科30例超重、肥胖儿童给予为期2周的短期减重综合干预,以问卷调查、指标监测及回访追踪的方式,分别对儿童在入营前、入营期间及出营后随访2周的体重、体脂肪、腰围等指标及饮食、运动等资料采集,分析影响减重效果持续的因素.结果 超重、肥胖儿童经过夏令营期间减重干预后均在体重、体脂肪、腰围等指标上出现下降,29例(96.7%)家长及儿童对健康饮食方式有了新认知.出营后2周内27例(90.0%)儿童能保持减重成果,仅3例(10%)出现了超1.5 kg的体重回升.16例(53.3%)儿童体重未回升或进一步减少,继续减重超1.5 kg者9例(30.0%).体重出现回升者14例(46.7%),多因素分析结果显示出营后不能坚持执行健康饮食习惯是体重回升的影响因素(P<0.001).结论 减重夏令营的饮食和运动综合干预对超重肥胖儿童有良好的减重效果,坚持执行良好饮食和运动习惯是减重效果持续性的重要因素,除了加强健康宣教提升健康生活意识外,还应注重后期习惯养成阶段的监督和指导.
Objective To explore the effect of short-term scientific weight loss on overweight and obese children and the factors affecting sustainability.Methods The subjects were 30 overweight and obese children who participated in weight-loss summer camp organized by the Department of Clinical Nutrition,Beijing Children's Hospital affiliated to the Capital Medical University from July to August in 2023,the data and information were collected by questionnaire survey,camp-based index monitoring and follow-up survey before,during and two weeks after the camp.Results After short-term intervention,the weight,body fat and waist circumference of all the children were decreased.About 29 cases(96.7%)of the parents and their children had new knowledge about healthy diet.About 27 cases(90.0%)of the children could keep the weight loss,only 3 cases(10%)gained more than 1.5 kg.About 16 cases(53.3%)of the children did not gain weight or further loss,continued to lose more than 1.5 kg in 9 cases(30.0%).There were 14 cases(46.7%)who gained weight after the camp.The results of multivariate analysis showed that not adhering to healthy eating habits after the camp was an important influencing factor(P<0.001).Conclusion The short-term scientific comprehensive intervention of diet and exercise has a good effect on weight loss in overweight and obese children,in addition to strengthening health education to promote awareness of healthy life,we should also pay attention to the late stage of habit formation supervision and guidance.
国家儿童医学中心(北京)首都医科大学附属北京儿童医院特需门诊,北京 100045国家儿童医学中心(北京)首都医科大学附属北京儿童医院临床营养科,北京 100045国家儿童医学中心(北京)首都医科大学附属北京儿童医院临床营养科,北京 100045国家儿童医学中心(北京)首都医科大学附属北京儿童医院特需门诊,北京 100045国家儿童医学中心(北京)首都医科大学附属北京儿童医院特需门诊,北京 100045国家儿童医学中心(北京)首都医科大学附属北京儿童医院特需门诊,北京 100045国家儿童医学中心(北京)首都医科大学附属北京儿童医院门诊部,北京 100045国家儿童医学中心(北京)首都医科大学附属北京儿童医院临床流行病与循证医学中心,北京 100045
childoverweightobesitycomprehensive interventionweightcognition
《中国实用儿科杂志》 2024 (7)