Typology,Generation Logic and Governance Strategies of Local Government's Responsibility Avoidance
Local governments'responsibility avoidance are contrary to the goal of building a respon-sible government,which is an important obstacle to the modernization of national governance.Based on the operation of the political system with Chinese characteristics,the study classifies local governments'responsibility avoidance into four types,namely,speculative responsibility avoid-ance,avoiding-harm responsibility avoidance,seeking-benefits responsibility avoidance and inactive responsibility avoidance,in terms of the dimensions of"horizontal and vertical competition"and"institutional incentives".The study found that the complex institutional system is the environmen-tal logic of local responsibility avoidance,the imbalance of power and responsibility relationship is the organizational logic of responsibility avoidance,multiple responses to risk is the action logic of reponsibility avoidance.To solve the current local government's dilemma of responsibility avoid-ance,it is necessary to avoid systemic risks,adjust structural contradictions and build up the ca-dres.
四川大学公共管理学院,四川成都 610065
responsibility avoidanceformalismresponsible governmentlocal governance
《中共天津市委党校学报》 2024 (004)
46-56 / 11