

Study on the correlation between softness and physical quality of formula tobacco in cigarettes of different specifications


[目的]探究不同规格卷烟配方叶丝柔软性与物理质量的关系.[方法]对常规、中支、细支卷烟配方叶丝柔软性与物理质量进行方差分析、相关性分析、灰色关联度分析,建立不同规格卷烟配方叶丝柔软性 XGBoost 预测模型.[结果](1)同等规格卷烟,随着价位的提升,叶丝柔软性值越小,叶丝柔软程度越好;同等价位,不同规格卷烟配方叶丝柔软程度排序为:细支卷烟>中支卷烟>常规卷烟;不同规格卷烟配方叶丝柔软性差异显著.(2)不同规格卷烟配方叶丝柔软性值均与长丝率、中丝率、整丝率、弹性呈极显著负相关关系,与填充值、含水率、碎丝率呈极显著正相关关系.(3)不同规格卷烟配方叶丝物理质量与其柔软性的灰色关联度大小依次为:第一类(中丝率、含水率)>第二类(填充值和碎丝率)>第三类(长丝率、整丝率、弹性).(4)针对常规、中支、细支卷烟配方叶丝分别建立的XGBoost模型预测精度达到 96.2%、92.4%、95.4%,XGBoost预测模型结果稳定可靠.[结论]可实现对叶丝柔软性的动态调控,改善叶丝质量,同时可为提高烟丝适用性提供技术支撑.

[Objective]This study aims to explore the relationship between the softness and physical quality of formula tobacco in cigarettes of different specifications.[Methods]Variance analysis,correlation analysis,and grey relational analysis were conducted on the softness and physical quality of formula tobacco in regular,king-size,and slim cigarettes,establishing an XGBoost prediction model for the softness of formula tobacco in cigarettes of different specifications.[Results](1)For cigarettes of the same specification,as the price increases,the softness value decreases,and the level of softness improves;at the same price level,the order of softness level of formula tobacco in cigarettes of different specifications is:slim>king-size>regular;there is a significant difference in the softness of formula tobacco among different specifications.(2)The softness values of formula tobacco in cigarettes of different specifications are highly negatively correlated with the rates of long,medium,and whole-stalk tobacco,and elasticity,and highly positively correlated with filling value,moisture content,and cut tobacco rate.(3)The grey relational degree of the physical quality of formula tobacco to its softness in cigarettes of different specifications is in the order of:first class(medium stalk rate,moisture content)>second class(filling value and cut tobacco rate)>third class(long stalk rate,whole-stalk rate,elasticity).(4)The XGBoost models established for regular,king-size,and slim cigarettes'formula tobacco predict with accuracies of 96.2%,92.4%,and 95.4%respectively,indicating that the XGBoost prediction models are stable and reliable.[Conclusion]The dynamic control of tobacco softness can be achieved to improve tobacco quality,and can also provide technical support for improving the applicability of tobacco.


郑州轻工业大学食品与生物工程学院,郑州高新技术产业开发区科学大道136号 450001河南中烟工业有限责任公司技术中心,郑州市经开第三大街8号 450000


cigarettes of different specificationsformula tobaccosoftnessphysical qualityXGBoost model

《中国烟草学报》 2024 (004)

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