

Study on the Correlation between Tea Cutting Germination and Rooting Characteristics



The experiment was carried out with 30 tea resources as materials,and the correlation between axillary bud germination and rooting characteristics was studied by observing 4 germination characteristics and 5 rooting charac-teristics of cuttings from tea resources.Through genetic variation and correlation analysis,the relationship between cutting germination and rooting characteristics among tea resources was studied,and the effect of axillary bud ger-mination characteristics on rooting and tea propagation was explored.The results show that there were some differences between germination and rooting characteristics of 30 tea resources,and the genetic variation coefficients of 9 bud germination and rooting traits ranged from 0.71%to 20.67%.Correlation analysis shows that among the indicators of germination characteristics of tea resources,the correlation coefficient between the growth rate of cuttings and the growth rate of axillary bud biomass was the highest,which shows a strong positive correlation,while the rest were moderately or weakly correlated.The correlations between the rooting characteristics of tea resources were even stronger.Except for a moderate positive correlation between the average number of roots and the average root length,all other indicators were significantly or even highly significantly correlated.Among the indicators of germination and rooting characteristics of tea resources,only the rooting rate was significantly and positively correlated with the axillary bud growth rate and axillary bud biomass growth rate.The rest were moderately correlated or weaker.According to the load,the germination characteristics of tea cuttings affected the rooting and propagating characteristics of tea germplasm resources in the order of axillary bud growth rate>biomass rate>germination rate,which suggests the faster the axillary bud germination growth rate,the larger the biomass and the higher the germination rate,the greater the effect on tea rooting.In summary,there were significant differences in axillary bud germination rate and germination growth rate of cuttings in different tea resources,and the germination characteristics of tea resources could significantly affect the rooting characteristics.The research results could provide a theoretical basis for the breeding and selection of excellent cultivars(lines)of tea plants.


丽水市农林科学研究院,浙江丽水 323000



teagermplasm resourcesgermination characteristicsrooting characteristicscutting propagation

《中国茶叶》 2024 (007)

33-40 / 8

