

Study on Damage by Drilling Fluid of Fractured Tighten Reservoirs in Bozhong Sag


储层伤害程度的评价对储层保护以及提高油气产率具有重要意义.位于渤海湾盆地的渤中凹陷地区储层属于裂缝性致密储层,取心困难且缺乏合适统一的伤害评价方法,导致储层保护难度较大.为此,结合储层的现场实际情况,设计制作了内部透明可视的 3D打印裂缝岩心及相应的储层伤害评价装置,使用流量损害率评价法代替渗透率损害率评价法对渤中凹陷地区储层钻开液伤害进行研究.实验结果表明,现场在用EZFLOW钻开液体系流变性能稳定,滤失性能良好;EZFLOW钻开液对储层的伤害程度小于 3%膨润土浆对储层的伤害程度,对岩心的伤害率在 11.7%~26.2%之间,属于弱伤害程度;岩心的伤害率具有随岩心开度升高而降低的特点;对于不同规格的裂缝岩心而言,岩心越长,裂缝越宽,伤害率就会越大.

The evaluation of reservoir damage is important to reservoir protection and oil and gas yield improvement.Reservoirs in the Bozhong sag of the Bohai Bay Basin are naturally fractured tight reservoirs,coring in these reservoirs is difficult and many different methods of evaluating the reservoir damage are in use,resulting in difficulties in implementing effective reservoir protection measures.To deal with this problem,combined with the actual situation of reservoirs,design and manufacture 3D printed fractured cores with transparent and visible interior and reservoir damage evaluation devices.In evaluating reservoir damage by different drill-in fluids used in Bozhong,the flow-rate damage rate instead of the permeability damage rate is used.Experimental results show that the drill-in fluid EZFLOW,which is presently in field application,has stable rheology and good filtration property.Compared with 3% bentonite drilling fluid,the EZFLOW drill-in fluid imposes smaller damage to the reservoirs,the rates of reservoir damage imposed by the EZFLOW drill-in fluid are between 11.7% and 26.2%,which are weak reservoir damage.The rate of damage to the cores is decreasing with increase in the opening degrees of the cores;for different fractured cores,the longer the cores and the wider the fractures,the higher the damage rate.


中海油田服务股份有限公司油田化学研究院,天津 300301西南石油大学石油与天然气工程学院,成都 610500



3D printed transparent fracture coreFlow rate damage rate evaluation methodStudy on damage by drill-in fluid

《钻井液与完井液》 2024 (003)

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