Policy Themes,Intergovernmental Relations,and Diffusion Changes of Digital Divide Governance in China:Quantitative Analysis based on National Level Policy Documents from 2006 to 2022
[目的/意义]本文旨在揭示我国数字鸿沟治理的政策主题、府际关系、政策扩散及其变迁.[方法/过程]以国家层面政策文件为样本,通过LDA(Latent Dirichlet Allocation)主题建模、社会网络分析等计量方法,辅之以桑基图等可视化手段,分析并呈现了我国数字鸿沟治理政策的阶段性特征及演化规律.[结果/结论]研究表明:我国数字鸿沟治理经历了 3个阶段,演进过程符合数字社会发展过程中数字鸿沟问题凸显程度的变化逻辑;消除城乡数字鸿沟是一个连贯性主题,而新兴主题则呼应了 COVID-19疫情情景下的社会需求;府际关系呈"松散"到"中心—边缘"再到"多核心"的演变逻辑;政策扩散强度由弱到强,当前核心政策紧密关注老年人数字鸿沟治理议题.未来,应重新审视数字鸿沟的动态性转变,在数字化进程中重点关注与解决边缘人群数字化发展难题.
[Purpose/Significance]The purpose of this paper is to reveal the policy themes,intergovernmental relations,policy diffusion,and evolutionary processes involved in digital divide governance in China,so as to provide references and suggestions for narrowing the digital divide and promoting the construction of digital China.[Method/Process]Utilizing national-level policy documents as samples,this study analyzes and presentes the stage charac-teristics and evolution patterns of China's digital divide governance policies through econometric methods such as Latent Dirichlet Allocation(LDA)thematic modeling and social network analysis,supplemented by visualization techniques such as Sangi diagrams.The analysis reveals the stage-specific characteristics and evolution patterns of China's digital divide governance policies.[Result/Conclusion]The findings indicate that digital divide governance in China has undergone three distinct stages,with the evolution process aligning with the varying prominence of dig-ital divide issues throughout the development of the digital society.Addressing the urban-rural digital divide remains a coherent theme,while new themes have emerged in response to societal needs during the COVID-19 pandemic.The intergovernmental relations have evolved from a"loose"structure to a"center edge"model,and then to a"multi core"configuration.The intensity of policy diffusion has strengthened over time,with current core policies placing significant emphasis on addressing the digital divide among the elderly.In the future,it is crucial to reexamine the dynamic transformation of the digital divide and prioritize the digital development challenges faced by marginalized groups in the digitalization process.
贵州民族大学传媒学院 贵阳 550000贵州民族大学传媒学院 贵阳 550000
digital dividepolicy changespolicy themesintergovernmental relationspolicy diffusion
《智库理论与实践》 2024 (3)