Prevention and treatment of chicken coccidiosis with compound Chinese herbal preparation Qingchang granules
The objective was to explore the preventive and therapeutic effects of compound Chinese herbal preparations Qingchang on chicken coccidiosis.180 healthy 1-day-old Hailan gray chicks were divided into 6 groups,which were group A(healthy control),group B(coccidiosis infection),group C(low dose Qingchang granules),group D(medium dose Qingchang granules),group E(high dose Qingchang granules)and group F(chemical control).Each group had 3 replicates,with 10 chicks in each replicate.After orally administration of 5×104 Eimeria tenella oocysts to all the groups expect the healthy control when the chicks were 15 days old,the survival rate,relative weight gain rate,cecal lesion value,oocyst value,immune organ index and cecal pathological changes were measured at 8 day post infection.The anticoccidial effects of compound Chinese herbal preparations were evaluated by anticoccidial index(ACI).The results showed that the survival rate,relative weight gain rate and immune organ index of high dose groups of Qingchang granules were significantly higher than those of coccidiosis infection group(P<0.05),while the oocyst value and cecal lesion value were significantly lower than those of coccidiosis infection group(P<0.05).The ACI of low dose,medium dose and high dose groups of Qingchang granules were 125.81,157.22 and 173.45,respectively.The cecum pathological change observation showed that Qingchang granules groups were lighter than coccidiosis infection group.These results indicate that compound Chinese herbal preparation has good preventive and therapeutic effects on chicken coccidiosis.
湖北省房县畜牧兽医服务中心,湖北房县 442100武汉市农业科学院,湖北武汉 430208武汉市鑫天牧农业科技发展有限公司,湖北武汉 430208长江大学,湖北荆州 434023湖北省房县沙河乡畜牧兽医服务中心,湖北房县 442102
Chinese herbal preparationEimeria tenellachicken coccidiosisanticoccidial index
《中兽医医药杂志》 2024 (004)
26-31,封2 / 7