

Study on Harvest Maturity of Middle Tobacco Leaf of K326 in Multi-Planting Area of Tobacco-Rice


为了明确烟稻复种区烤烟K326 的中部烟叶适宜采收成熟度,设计低成熟度(M1)、中成熟度(比M1 延迟8d采收,M2)、高成熟度(比M1 延迟 16d采收,M3)3 个处理,在湖南邵阳烟区开展不同成熟度烟叶的采收烘烤试验.结果表明:随着成熟度的提高,鲜烟叶SPAD值降低、淀粉含量先升高后降低,烘烤后微带青和杂色烟叶所占比例先降低后上升,烟叶糖含量(总糖和还原糖)先上升后降低.与M1、M3 相比,M2 处理的上等烟率分别提高7.84、7.88 百分点,均价分别提高 28.52%、18.42%,外观质量指数分别提高 3.46%、1.77%,其评吸总分与M3 处理无显著差异,但显著高于M1 处理.综合分析,在湖南邵阳烟区,K326 的中部烟叶采收成熟度以M2 为宜,其鲜烟叶成熟特征为叶基黄绿,叶尖变黄,茸毛少部分脱落,叶面有粘手感,主、支脉变白约 1/2,叶缘微卷曲.

In order to determine the appropriate maturity of the middle tobacco leaf of K326 variety in the multi-planting area of tobacco-rice,three harvest maturity treatments of M1(low maturity),M2(medium maturity,delayed 8 d harvest)and M3(high maturity,delayed 16 d harvest)were designed to carry out sampling and roasting experiments in Hunan Shaoyang tobacco region.The results showed that SPAD value of fresh tobacco leaf decreased with the increase of leaf ma-turity,and starch content of fresh tobacco leaf increased first and then decreased.The proportion of microstrip green and va-riegated tobacco leaves decreased first and then increased after roasting.The proportion of total sugar and reducing sugar in tobacco leaves increased first and then decreased.Compared with M1 and M3,the high-grade smoke rate of M2 treatment increased by 7.84 and 7.88 percentage point respectively,the average price increased by 28.52%and 18.42%respective-ly,and the appearance quality index increased by 3.46%and 1.77%respectively.There was no significant difference be-tween M2 treatment and M3 treatment,but it was significantly higher than M1 treatment.According to the comprehensive a-nalysis,in the tobacco area of Shaoyang,Hunan,M2 is suitable for the harvest maturity of the middle leaves of K326,and its fresh tobacco leaves are characterized by yellow-green leaf base,yellow leaf tip,less hairs falling off,sticky feel on the leaf surface,white main and branch veins about 1/2,and leaf margin slightly curled.


湖南省烟草公司邵阳市公司,湖南 邵阳 422000湖南农业大学农学院,湖南 长沙 410128湖南农业大学农学院,湖南 长沙 410128湖南省烟草公司邵阳市公司,湖南 邵阳 422000湖南省烟草公司邵阳市公司,湖南 邵阳 422000湖南省烟草公司邵阳市公司,湖南 邵阳 422000湖南省烟草公司邵阳市公司,湖南 邵阳 422000湖南省烟草公司邵阳市公司,湖南 邵阳 422000吉林烟草工业有限责任公司,吉林 延吉 133000吉林烟草工业有限责任公司,吉林 延吉 133000吉林烟草工业有限责任公司,吉林 延吉 133000



flue-cured tobaccoharvestmaturitymiddle tobaccoK326Shaoyang tobacco region

《作物研究》 2024 (3)


