Analysis of Genetic Composition of Wheat Variety Nanmai 660
为明确优质弱筋小麦品种南麦 660 的遗传构成,利用小麦 55K芯片对南麦 660 及其双亲 3911 和M49 进行了全基因组SNP位点扫描分析.结果表明:母本 3911 和父本M49 对南麦 660 的遗传贡献率在全基因组水平上差异较大,存在偏向单一亲本遗传.3911 对南麦 660 的遗传贡献率为 59.08%,高于 M49 的遗传贡献率(40.92%).母本 3911 对A、B、D基因组的贡献率分别为 36.56%、72.85%和 57.93%,父本M49 对A、B、D基因组的贡献率分别为 63.44%、27.15%和 42.07%.母本 3911 在 7A、1B、2B、3B、4B、5B、7B、2D、3D、5D和 7D染色体上的遗传贡献率高于M49,其中在 2B和 4B染色体上的遗传贡献率分别为 93.53%、81.40%;父本M49 在 2A、4A、5A、6A、6B、1D和 4D染色体上的遗传贡献率高于母本 3911,其中在 4A 和 1D 染色体上的遗传贡献率分别为94.15%、82.11%.重要功能基因的竞争性等位基因特异性PCR(KASP)标记分析发现,南麦 660 不仅聚合了 6 个高千粒质量基因TaGS2A1、TaGS2B1、TaGS5、TaGW2-6B、TaTGW7 和Tacwi等位类型,还携带有 1-feh w3、Lr34 抗逆抗病基因.本研究解析了优质弱筋小麦品种南麦 660 的遗传构成,在分子水平上为南麦 660 的遗传改良提供了理论参考.
In order to clarify the molecular genetic basis of Nanmai 660,a new variety of good-quality weak gluten,wheat 55 K SNP chip was used to detect Nanmai 660 and its parents(3911 and M49)by molecular mark.The results showed that the genetic contribution rates of the parents 3911 and M49 to Nanmai 660 were quite different at the whole genome-wide level.The genetic contribution rate of 3911 to Nanmai 660 was 59.08%,which was higher than that of M49,with the contribution rate of 40.92%.The genetic contribution rate of 3911 to the A,B,and D genomes are 36.56%,72.85%,and 57.93%.The contribution rates of M49 to the A,B,and D genomes are 63.44%,27.15%,and 42.07%.The genetic con-tribution rate of maternal parent 3911 on chromosomes 7A,1B,2B,3B,4B,5B,7B,2D,3D,5D,and 7D is higher than that of M49,with genetic contribution rates on chromosomes 2B and 4B being 93.53%and 81.40%;The genetic contribution rate of male parent M49 on chromosomes 2A,4A,5A,6A,6B,1D,and 4D is higher than that of female parent 3911,with genetic contribution rates on chromosomes 4A and 1D being 94.15%and 82.11%.The analysis on the functional gene composition of important traits revealed that Nanmai660 not only polymerized six high thousand-grain weight genes TaGS2A1,TaGS2B1,TaGS5,TaGW2-6B,TaTGW7 and Tacwi,it also carried 1-feh W3,Lr34 genes and so on.This study provides a theoretical reference for the genetic improvement of a new high-quality weak gluten wheat variety Nanmai 660 at the molecular level.
南充市农业科学院,四川 南充 637000四川农业大学,四川 成都 611130南充市农业科学院,四川 南充 637000南充市农业科学院,四川 南充 637000四川农业大学,四川 成都 611130
Triticum aestivum L.weak glutengenetic composition55 K SNP chipNanmai 660
《作物研究》 2024 (3)