

Inertia Estimation of New Energy Power System Based on WRLS-ARMAX System Identification



With the high proportion of new energy units integrated into the power grid,the low inertia characteristic of the power system become more and more significant,which seriously affects the stability of the system operation.In order to accurately estimate the inertia of new energy power grid in actual operation state,a new energy power system equivalent inertia estimation method based on weighted recursive least squares(WRLS)-auto-regressive moving average exogenous(ARMAX)system identification is proposed.Firstly,a general inertia analytical model of generator power-frequency response characteristics under different disturbance conditions is established with the generator as the object.Secondly,the ARMAX model is established by taking the generator grid-connected bus active power and frequency disturbances as inputs and outputs.Considering that the actual power grid operation process is jointly affected by both large and small perturbations,the actual measurement data is heteroscedasticity,and the to-be-identified parameters in the model are solved by WRLS.Then,the transfer function model containing the inertia response in the identification model is extracted,and the inertia time constant of the inertia source is calculated using the step response,and the equivalent inertia of the system is calculated.Finally,the accuracy and practicability of the proposed method are verified by Matlab/Simulink simulation examples.


昆明理工大学电力工程学院,云南昆明 650500昆明理工大学电力工程学院,云南昆明 650500昆明理工大学电力工程学院,云南昆明 650500昆明理工大学电力工程学院,云南昆明 650500



weighted recursive least squaressystem identificationnew energy power systeminertia estimationpower-frequency response

《电机与控制应用》 2024 (7)


国家自然科学基金(52367002)云南省联合基金重点项目(202201BE070001-15)National Natural Science Foundation of China(52367002)Key Project of Yunnan Provincial Joint Foundation(202201BE070001-15)

