

Accurate Calculation of Tight Sandstone Permeability Based on Multi-Key Well Average Curve Standardization Scheme



The tight sandstone reservoirs in area X exhibit complex geological conditions and strong longitudinal and horizontal heterogeneity.The collection of logging data spans a long time period and the standardization degree of logging data is low.The complex influencing factors of reservoir parameters lead to low calculation accuracy of porosity and permeability.Therefore,a logging curve standardization scheme with multi-key well average,double standard layer control,mutual verification of trend surface method and histogram method is proposed to systematically solve a series of problems such as phase change,loss,heterogeneity and eigenvalue anomaly in a single standard layer.The proposed scheme significantly improves the accuracy of porosity calculation after standardization.Furthermore,a reservoir classification standard is established based on the fluid flow unit theory,and an accurate calculation model for classification permeability based on fluid flow unit is constructed.Using multiple linear regression method,the fluid flow unit calculation model characterized by logging curves is established to realize the continuous and quantitative evaluation of reservoir classification and permeability calculation.The newly proposed standardization scheme improves the stability,adaptability,and reliability of logging curve standardization,thus providing a solid data foundation for reservoir classification and parameter calculation.This method offers robust technical support for the detailed evaluation of tight reservoirs in area X,and holds significant application and promotion value.


东北石油大学地球科学学院,黑龙江 大庆 163318大庆油田有限责任公司方兴分公司,黑龙江 大庆 163000


log evaluationtight sandstone reservoirmulti-key well averagingcurve standardizationpermeability modelingflow zone index

《测井技术》 2024 (004)

488-499 / 12


