

Research Progress on the Formation Mechanism and Influencing Factors of Fine-grained Sedimentary Rock Laminae in Lake Basins


[意义]细粒沉积岩纹层是半深湖—深湖盆内地层中可分辨的、最基本的沉积单元结构,单层厚度一般小于10 mm,其物质组分、连续性和几何形态对于恢复古环境变迁和沉积模式具有重要的作用.伴随着非常规油气革命的发展,众多学者发现湖盆纹层种类丰富、形成机制复杂以及受控因素繁多,且对页岩油气富集、开发生产效果等方面产生重要影响,因此深化细粒沉积岩纹层结构研究可对非常规油气研究和应用提供指导意义.[进展]前人发现、识别、研究纹层成因的过程中分别厘定了黏土矿物纹层、长英质纹层、钙质纹层以及有机质纹层的成因机制,总结了不同环境条件下与优先发育纹层种类的耦合关系,阐述了单因素对纹层的控制作用,并认为细粒凝絮反应是纹层高水动力成因的解释理论,打破了纹层只能成因于静水条件下的连续悬浮沉降的常规认知.[结论与展望]湖盆纹层沉积过程的影响因素可归类为古气候因素、古地理条件、古地质事件和其他因素共四类,且不同影响因素在纹层沉积过程中可能发生相互促进或相互抑制的现象,不同因素组合主控纹层的物质成分、连续性、几何形体等特征.最后提出包含多因素组合作用下的纹层机理模型建立和利用完善模型对纹层状地层精准反演是未来主要的探究方向.

[Significance]Fine-grained sedimentary rock laminae represent the fundamental and distinctive unit structures in the inner layer of semi-deep and deep-lake basins,typically with a thickness of less than 10 mm.Its material composition,continuity,and geometry play an important role in the restoration of paleo-environmental changes and sedimentary mechanism.With the development of unconventional oil and gas production,mang scholars have identified diverse types of laminae in lake basins,complex sedimentary mechanisms,and numerous controlling factors that significantly impact shale oil and gas enrichment,development,and production.Therefore,further research into the fine-grained sedimentary rock laminae structure can offer valuable insights for unconventional oil and gas exploration.[Progress]Through the process of discovery,identification,and research on laminae,genetic mechanisms for clay mineral laminae,felsic laminae,calcareous laminae,and organic-rich laminae were determined respectively.Additionally,the coupling relationship between different environmental conditions and priority develop-ment types of laminae was summarized while expounding on the control effect of single factors on laminae.It is proposed that fine flocculation reaction serves as an explanatory theory for hydrodynamic-induced laminar formation which challenges conventional understanding that laminae are solely caused by continuous suspension settlement in still water.[Conclusions and Prospects]Influencing factors of laminae deposition were classified into four catego-ries:paleoclimatic factors,palaeogeographic conditions,palaeogeological events,and other factors.During lamina deposition,different influencing factors may promote or inhibit each other,and their combination controls the material composition,continuity,and geometric featuresofthe laminae.The accurate inversion of laminae formation by using the perfect model will be the main research direction in the future,providing guidance for the further study of laminae structure in fine-grained sedimentary rocks and the research and application of unconventional oil and gas reservoirs.


东北石油大学三亚海洋油气研究院,海南三亚 572024||东北石油大学地球科学学院,黑龙江大庆 163318东北石油大学三亚海洋油气研究院,海南三亚 572024中国石油吉林油田分公司,吉林松原 138000东北石油大学地球科学学院,黑龙江大庆 163318



laminaefine-grained deposition rockunconventional reservoirflocculation

《沉积学报》 2024 (004)

1164-1184 / 21

海南省科技计划三亚崖州湾科技城自然科学基金联合项目(2021JJLH0077);黑龙江省博士后科研启动金资助项目(LBH-Q21081);国家自然科学基金项目(41872158)[Hainan Provincial Joint Project of Sanya Yazhou Bay Science and Technology City,No.2021JJLH0077;Postdoctoral Scientific Research Developmental Fund of Heilongjiang Province,No.LBH-Q21081;National Natural Science Foundation of China,No.41872158]

